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 Strata News & Information

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Welcome to this edition of Your Strata News. 

I'm traveling up & down the East Coast this week for business. At the beginning of the week I was staying a few blocks from VCAT, and just could't resist taking a quick shot of the VCAT building for the newsletter. I'm in Brisbane today, and traveling to Sydney for a few days this evening. Due to travel, the newsletter is condensed this week. Watch out for a super sized edition next week!

Editors picks not be missed this week:

REMINDER - Attention Owners: Strata Titled properties in WA -  the Australian Council on Smoking and Health (ACOSH) has contact LookUpStrata about the ‘Smoke-free Strata Housing Incentive Scheme’. It is aimed at strata-titled properties wanting to develop a smoke-free by-law in WA. They are offering a new grant for $500. For all details and to fill in an application form, please head to their website (Note: this is only available to buildings in Western Australia).
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Latest Articles


NSW: Certifiers Under Fire

David Bannermans, Bannermans Lawyers
We explore below three of the significant recent developments in case law concerning building certification practices in NSW.

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SA tenants rights

Q&A Tenants Rights SA: I don't want a dog in the building!

Tyson D'Sylva, Ace Body Corporate Management Question: I am a tenant living in a strata title and I don’t want a dog in the building! What rights does a tenant have regarding a dog being approved to live in a strata block?

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nsw new laws

NSW: The New Strata ‘Top Ten’ that will make a Difference!

Adrian Mueller, J S Mueller & Co Lawyers
Over 90 new strata laws will come into play later this year and of the 90 these are some changes that will most likely make a difference to your everyday.

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News of the Week

Airbnb vic

Airbnb arrangements challenged in St Kilda tenant-landlord battle

Georgia Wilkins, SMH
The legal status of Airbnb listings has been challenged in the Supreme Court of Victoria, with a landlord arguing her apartment was illegally sublet through the site.The landmark case comes as federal and state governments grapple with how to regulate the so-called sharing economy.
WIS Event

ACT budget 2016: Rates pain shifts to Canberra apartments

Kirsten lawson, The Canberra Times
The ACT's new five-year tax plan shifts the pain to apartment owners, who will see the biggest hikes in tax from July next year, at an average 20 per cent.

Most Read Article From Last Weeks Newsletter

Reform position paper nsw

NSW: What is Strata Reporting? (post the 2016 Reform – Part 1)

Paula Byrnes, Metropolitan Strata Reports
Strata Reporting is about to undergo major changes that are going to benefit not only the people buying strata property, but the changes will mean better communication between the industry stakeholders.

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Breaking News

For the most comprehensive stream of strata news in Australia - follow us on Twitter.

RBA rings the housing price warning bell – again SMH


Lack of housing choice frustrates would-be downsizes The Conversation 

NSW: High-rise apartment fire risk as budget cuts mothball Bronto aerial rescue trucks SMH

Strata schemes in NSW accused of employing ‘slave labour’ Domain

The rise of the high-rise high school SMH

QLD: "Perfect Storm" Of Problems For Brisbane Apartments Your Investment Property

VIC: Off-the-plan apartments are under the spotlight as prices slump

Melbourne’s most expensive apartments by price per square metre Domain

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