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AWT Expo 2016

September 7 - 10, 2016


San Diego Convention Center, San Diego CA


Register Now!

Five Reasons You Should Attend

(as described by

AWT's Annual Convention and Exposition continues to grow each year, yet it still remains the perfect size for professionals in our industry. With over 1,000 attendees, the meeting provides you with plenty of opportunities to increase your business connections and resources, while it maintains its exclusive focus on industrial water treatment.

Here are a few other reasons why you should attend the 2016 Annual Convention and Exposition being held in San Diego, California:

  1. 98% of past attendees say they return to the office with practical knowledge they can implement immediately.
  2. 93% of past attendees say the convention increases their industry knowledge.
  3. Since 2010, attendance has grown by more than 21%—exposing you to more individuals with whom you can network.
  4. Attendees are viewed as one of the biggest assets of the convention. The convention's noncompetitive atmosphere allows you to share your experiences, challenges, and concerns.
  5. It's the only convention where you'll find exhibitors whose sole focus is industrial water treatment.
If you haven't done so yet register to attend this event and make sure you put us on your "Must See" list - our booth is #501.

We will be sending a few more emails between now and Expo time letting you know what awesome Peabody Products we will be showcasing so stay tuned!
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