Publish 94
Greetings everyone,
With Publish 93 out the door we are working hard on Publish 94, which focuses on Halloween and Ultima Online's 19th Anniversary! We're continuing the tradition for anniversary gifts (Hint: 19 years is the bronze year). We're also including an option for a new potted plant which comes in 15 different colors!
We will be making some improvements to the Ultima Store and making a few additions. Items will be rotated in and out of the store so please keep an eye on the featured section of the Ultima Store for the latest additions!
We are also fixing several bugs with the store, crashes, and in game problems that are causing several issues for our players and Customer Service.
All items from the last contest has been mailed so stay tuned for the next contest we will be doing.
Everyone have a safe and fun summer and don't forget to come see us at the next Developer Meet & Greet on June 27, 2016 at 4pm ET on Europa!
See you in Britannia,
Bonnie "Mesanna" Armstrong