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Sacred Music Studies
Year 2 - July
Summer Singing

We're in summer vacation, so for us, learning a new hymn is kept as simple as possible. What does that mean? Just exposing them to the hymns during June, July, and August. All I do is either play them on Spotify, or sing them myself.  We've even sung a few around the campfire. It's all about adding hymns to the family life in an easy-going way.
Month at-a-glance:

Hymn: O God of Loveliness
PDF Page 1
PDF Page 2

Gregorian chant: Words with Wings - finish up the lessons if you need to

Extra Listening for EnjoymentAdoremus in Aeternum by Guerrero
Click either sheet music image to download and print both pages.
If they are too small to print, see
Audio - YouTube
Audio - The Redemptorists
The Redemptorists recorded two hymns by St. Alphonsus, and are found on the left hand side of the page. There's also a video presentation about the saint!
Hymn: Heart of Jesus, Hear
Text: St. Alphonsus Liguori
Music: Traditional Melody, CRUSADERS HYMN


O God of loveliness, O Lord of heaven above,
How worthy to possess my heart's devoted love.
So sweet Thy countenance, so gracious to behold
That one, one only glance to me were bliss untold.

Thou art blest Three in One, yet undivided still,
Thou art the One alone, whose love my heart can fill.
The heavens and earth below were fashioned by thy Word,
How amiable art Thou, my ever dearest Lord.

To think Thou art my God,--O thought forever blest!
My heart has overflowed with joy within my breast.
My soul so full of bliss, is plunged as in a sea,
Deep in the sweet abyss of holy charity.

O loveliness supreme, and Beauty infinite,
O ever flowing Stream and Ocean of delight,
O Life by which I live, My truest Life above,
To Thee alone I give my undivided love.

New American Cursive Practice Page
(You can build your own copywork pages at
Gregorian Chant
July Lessons:
  • Nothing new in this part of the Newsletter until September
Extra Listening for Enjoyment:
  • Chant Kyriale (CCWatershed) - did you know there are 18 different Gregorian Mass settings?

Support our Family and this Newsletter! Thank you!
July Special Announcing soon at the shop!

Visit my Lilla Rose Shop
Connect on the Google+ Community

I started a Google+ community for these studies. This has great potential for being a place to: 1) discuss the music we are learning each month, and 2) share our learning experiences with others. I think it would be helpful if Q&A, interesting facts found, or other helpful information could be easily seen and discussed by all.  Think of it as an online study and support group. 

Let's enjoy this learning experience together!

If you are new to Google+,  here's a great tutorial on getting started
Sacred Music Studies Community
Sacred Music Studies Community
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