Week 5(A). Happy Summer Solstice!
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Backyard Urban Garden Farms

Mother Nature seems to be celebrating the Solstice by trying to remind us what summer is all about. It has been a hot week in the Salt Lake Valley and it doesn't look to be letting up anytime soon. We've been soaking our hats, taking some shade breaks and staying cool the best we can - we hope y'all have been doing the same. 

Despite the heat it has been a fun week on the farm. We had a visitor all the way from Georgia, Alena. She is a farming intern extraordinaire at White Oaks Pastures, and came to hang out with us for a couple harvest days. We all learned tons about how other folks do this whole farming thing, had loads of laughs, and got some serious work done. With Alena and our amazing work traders' help we were done with harvest and packaging in record time - this meant more time for our favorite summertime task - weeding!

All of that weeding we have been doing has been getting our farm ready for the Urban Garden and Farm Tour. On Saturday we will be participating in Wasatch Community Gardens' Urban Garden and Farm Tour. We have been a stop on the tour for many years and are excited to participate again. If you have been itching to see the farm, come down and say "what up girl" to Carly and Andy, as they show off our newest field and our super cool high tunnel. Our buddies over at Simplephat - The Bell's - will be on the tour as well. They are another can't miss site. They have been growing at their space for over 10 years, and their production puts anyone's backyard veggie production to shame... they are amazing! Visit Wasatch Community Gardens' website for more info on the tour, and buy your tickets today!

Happy Eating, 

Carly, Coleman, Andy, Alena... and all our fabu work-traders
Your B.U.G. Farmers

So much fun and beauty at the farm this week. Our mystery helper (it's Alena from Georgia, shhhh....) hiding out behind a cabbage disquise. Little Fingers and a zombie finger, lilies at the neighbors house, and some more Little Fingers reminding us that growing in urban lots can mean loads of surprises - but life usually finds a way. 


The roots are starting to roll in. Hopefully y'all are ready to see so fresh faces in your shares this week. We have got three items debuting this week, and are so excited to get them to you. We have been waiting on these Little Finger Carrots for what seems like forever, and these cabbages started their lives in Carly's sunroom at the beginning of March. Sometimes farming requires a lot of patience, and sometimes it is worth the wait!

BUNCHING GREENS - This week we have bunches of Blue Vates, Lacinato, Red Olympic Kale or Collards in your shares. Each CSA Share will have one bunch of these greens. Kale and Chard are both considered to be some of the most nutrient dense foods, we are proud that they are a CSA staple! Here is a web article listing the Top 10 Health Benefits of Kale to make you feel even better about eating this green. It is very versatile, wonderful enjoyed both raw and cooked. Here is a good article from about 10 Ways To Prepare Kale for more cooking ideas and video cooking tutorials. These bunched greens are best stored in a plastic bag, or upright in a glass of water in the fridge with the stem end down like a bouquet. Chard is similarly versatile. Use it as a braising green, throw it in your frittatas or at the end of cooking your scrambled eggs for an vitamin boost. Use it as a substitute in recipes that call for beet greens or to jazz up a recipe that normally calls for spinach. Or, you can use any of these in your morning juices and smoothies. Mix it up! 

MIXED MUSTARD GREENS - This week we mixed up our Osaka, Mizuna, Southern Giant Mustards and Arugula with some Purple Russian Kale, for a slightly spicy, mildly sweet braising or fresh eating mix. These greens could be eaten either raw in a salad, chopped finely and added at the end of a soup, chili, or stew. Do note that once they are lightly cooked or steamed, some of the real spicyness is cooked out, leaving the greens more mild if you aren't a fan of "spicy" greens.

HAKUREI TURNIPS - A B.U.G. Farms favorite. Even if you aren't normally a turnip fan, these sweet, delicious, mild flavored turnips. Perfect for fresh eating (we eat the big ones like apples on the farm), grated on a green salad with your eggs in the morning or sliced with butter. You could try cooking them like potatoes, roasted in the oven, creamed in a soup or if you are in a decedent mood try this Cardamon Turnip Galette from our friends at Copper Moose Farm.


BEETS (GOLDEN, CHIOGGIA, OR DETROIT DARK RED) - We loove beets! They are just so darn beautiful, versatile in the kitchen, as well as super nutrient dense. Here is a good article about How To Roast Beets& The Health Benefits of Beets. For a quick preparation of the roots, just grate them raw and add them to a salad, or make a slaw by combining them with grated radishes, ribbon-sliced kale/chard/beetgreens with a lemon/lime juice based dressing. You could also try making Sharon's (BUG Farms founder) famous and yummy beet butter by combining the beetswith cashews/walnuts/pecans, a little oil (sunflower/coconut/canola), a little liquid sweetener (maple syrup/agave), and a touch of salt &vanilla and blend in a food processor or blender. So good on cookies/dessert/toast/etc or mixed in a smoothie. 

EARLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD CABBAGE - We are so excited to have these conical beauties in shares this week. This is only our second year growing cabbages, and we are still learning a lot, but we are mighty proud of these guys. This heirloom variety dates back to the 1840's in America and possibly even back to ancient Greek and Roman times. Like other cabbage varieties these cuties are great for fresh eating, steaming, boiling, soup, pickling and much more
Cabbage is delicious eaten raw and can be grated and tossed into a traditional coleslaw which can serve as a side dish or topping for burgers, barbeque and even grilled sausages.
Sauerkraut and kimchi are popular ways of preserving cabbage over the winter. Make several small batches with different vegetables and seasonings to pair with your meals throughout the year.

LITTLE FINGER CARROTS - These small, thin, nantes-type carrot are quite the sweet treat. They have exceptional flavor that is only enhanced by cooking. We all know that it is grilling season - who wants to heat up the house right now by cooking?!?! - and these babies are terrific tossed, sprayed or drizzled with oil, and lightly charred on the grill. The high heat intensifies the flavors and caramelizes the sugars. Or throw these guys into the juicer - hardly any prep necessary - and combine with your bunching greens for a healthy breakfast on the go!

SOUTHERN GIANT CURLED MUSTARD GREENS - Beware! These mature greens are spicy, in the best way. Don't get these bad boys confused with your kale/collard bunches, or you might be in for a big surprise. Used fresh these greens will add a major kick to your sandwiches and salads - start small and work your way up if you are sensitive to mustard/wasabi style spice. Or try cooking these greens down with your mustard braising mix to mellow out the spicy flavors. 

HALF SHARE HOLDERS: Remember you will get a CSA Share every other week based on your pick up or delivery location. 

  • B.U.G. FARMS HEADQUARTERS - 1364 South Cheyenne Street
  • U OF U: BRIGHT HORIZONS - 418 Wakara Way, #100
  • SUGAR HOUSE - 1998 South Windsor Street
DELIVERY SHARE HOLDERS: Please remember to leave out a cooler with an icepack for your shares. This will help them stay fresh until you get to them. We will be delivering from 9 am - 3 pm, so please have the coolers ready for us by then. 
Nutrition and wellness goddess Anne Dorsey of Milk and Honey Wellness has brought us another amazing recipe this week. Anne has loaded up her blog with loads of recipes for us. Try her Spinach and Spicy Salmon Cakes with a mix of your Southern Curled Mustard Greens in shares this week - or your  Mustard Mix. If you haven't gotten a chance to try her greens and barley salad recipe, scroll down and check it out. It is a great way to use up and mellow out your Southern Curled Mustard Greens if you are stumped on what to do with all these lovely leaves. 

Don't forget each week you can visit this link to Anne's Blog for a new recipe using fresh, seasonal veggies that will be in your CSA shares, available at the farmers market, or that you are harvesting from your own gardens. 

ABOUT ANNE: I am a food loving, wellness seeking, mother and farmer at heart who is committed to guiding people towards their healthiest and most balanced selves. I am a foodie not a health nut. I don’t believe in willpower, I believe in the power of pleasure. I love Kale AND butter (especially together).

My mission is to radically revolutionize the concept of what healthy eating can be. My intention is to teach people how to have pleasure and heal your body at the same time.

Anne has an upcoming Revivify Class. A step by step program that will detoxify your body, ignite a process of deep healing, help you discover what food makes you feel the best, and create a sustainable way of eating that will support you on your wellness journey to vibrant health and longevity. All year long! Visit her website to learn more about the services she offers, and to find out how she can help you revolutionize your eating habits. 
Anne's Recipes
Y'all we are so excited about our new, reusable, insulated B.U.G. Farm tote bags. But, we will need your help to make the system work. We have two totes for all our CSA members. Each week we will have your share packed and ready in a tote bag. This week and next week (for Week A Half Shares) you will receive your first tote bag, when you pick up (or your share is delivered) your next packed and ready share you need to bring the first bag back. If you don't we will have to unpack your share and put it into a plastic bag - please don't make us do it. Just bring them back every week, keep 'em in your car so you don't forget, or put them right back in your cooler if you are a delivery share. We don't want to be the jerks, but will if we have to.

Remember to bring back those orange rubber bands too! We can reuse them if you haven't found a million uses for them yet... 
We are so excited about Instagram lately, we think it is a super neato way to share information and interests. And, we know you love it as much as we do. So, we are going to host a contest. We want to see what B.U.G. Farms looks like at your house. Whether it is a picture of your share fresh from pick up, a bunch of radishes, your B.U.G. vegetables all cooked up, or maybe one of your favorite Add On Shares of the week - it doesn't matter. Hashtag #bugfarmscsa and you will be entered into our contest. At the end of the season we will have our members vote on our top ten favorite member photos, and the winner will receive a half veggie share for the 2017 season! You can't beat that!
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