And maybe God is calling you!?!
Regardless of your age or life stage, have you considered serving God overseas? Maybe God is calling you to go as a Wycliffe Volunteer or Intern! If so, check out the website and let me know!
Perhaps he is urging you to invest prayerfully or financially in Bible Translation work?
If so, maybe you can partner with us! We need your help to get to 100%. We only need: $145/month. We're almost there!
I am trusting that God will provide the amount needed in a short time so that I don't have to stop my role to raise funds.
If you are already partnering with us financially or prayerfully, THANK YOU!!! Many volunteers and interns have significantly assisted Bible translation projects in part because of your generosity! If you aren't currently partnering with us, would you consider joining our team - whether by prayer or through finances?
Or maybe you could become an advocate for the Bibleless peoples of the world, and inviting a friend to consider partnership with us? Or maybe you could connect us with your church? We would be honored to join with you or your friends, or your church in this way. Just let us know!