An exciting new stage in the life of PrayerMate
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Dear friends,

For a long time now I have been praying and thinking about whether it might be possible to go full-time on PrayerMate in order to be able to further develop it. I've got so many ideas for how it might become an even more effective tool in helping even more people to pray, and "time" has long been the biggest barrier to putting these ideas into practice. In the last few weeks God has providentially worked to create a very obvious window of opportunity, so I am writing to share the exciting news that from mid-September I shall be working on PrayerMate as my full time job - for as long as I am able to afford.

This is both incredibly exciting and somewhat daunting - as it stands PrayerMate does not bring in nearly enough to pay for a full-time salary. One of my jobs over the next few months will be putting together a proper business plan. My expectation is that the funds will come from a mixture of:
  1. getting more churches & charities involved as publishers and growing the revenues from these paying customers
  2. finding more ways to let users contribute something if they wish to help see the ministry flourish
  3. donations
By God's grace I have recently been given a generous one-off donation that will help tide us over for at least three to four months, but beyond that all I know is that we serve a big God who is able to provide, and that I want to see what I can do to use the gift of technology to help people pray. My family and I would be so grateful if you might prayerfully consider whether you might be able to consider making PrayerMate a part of your regular Christian giving - practical details on how to actually do this will be forthcoming over the next few months. Many thanks to those of you who have already started to do this.

With thanks,
Andy Geers
PrayerMate Developer
Featured feed of the month: 30 days of prayer for the muslim world
This month is Ramadan. Get daily prayer points for the muslim world courtesy of WorldChristian at


PrayerMate’s mission is to mobilise the Christian church to pray

It seeks to do this by using technology to:

  1. Help people to actually pray
  2. Teach people how to pray in line with biblical principles and priorities
  3. Providing timely information about specific needs so that they can pray informed prayers
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