
the PULL #153

June 23, 2016

Big news, friends! We're bringing Paul Singh's Results Junkies Tech Tour to Iowa the week of July 17. Paul (formerly of 500startups, DisruptionCorp and more) is a serial entrepreneur, investor and startup ecosystem expert that has been criss-crossing the country in an Airstream camper for most of this year. Each week he drives to a different community and packs his schedule full of meetups, keynotes, round tables, office hours, etc. to get to know local founders, investors and policy makers.

We'll have him (and a few of his investor friends) with us in Iowa for a full week and we plan to make the most of it. We're working with Paul to plan the tour right now but we have a some room in the schedule if you have a great event idea (reply to this message to let us know!). Des Moines will be our main base of operations for the week but we're planning Eastern Iowa events on Thursday (7/21) in Cedar Rapids.

As we finalize the schedule we'll add it to the Iowa Tour page here. If you click the red "Count Me In!" button you'll get a notification as events are added.

We couldn't do this without the financial support of our established business community. Tremendous thanks to the Next Level Ventures/Iowa Venture Capital Association, Davis Brown Law Firm, NewBoCo and BrownWinick—Attorneys at Law for underwriting the direct expenses to bring the tour to Iowa.

One quick request: we're seeking two additional $1,000 sponsors to cover the cost of programming during that week. If you work with an organization that has the means to support innovative things like this in our community, let us know.

I'm super excited for this and 1,000 high fives to Deanna Bennett and John Jackovin for volunteering with me to pull it all together. 


NewBoCo to take over EntreFEST
NewBo.Co (
Jessalyn Holdcraft, June 21)

EntreFEST will return in May 2017 after a one-year hiatus. It will now be led the New Bohemian Innovation Collaborative (NewBoCo)—which operates the Iowa Startup Accelerator, Vault Coworking & Collaboration Space, and numerous other startup programs across Eastern Iowa—which is taking over from University of Northern Iowa's Center for Business Growth and Innovation (CBGI) who founded the event. CBGI will help the group to transition the event to a new, year-round operational team.

“We’re excited to bring EntreFEST back in 2017, as Iowa’s leading entrepreneurship conference,” NewBoCo Executive Director Eric Engelmann said. “EntreFEST is critically important to our state – it has changed the lives of many entrepreneurs in Iowa and across the Midwest.”

Geoff's note: I'm a big fan of EntreFEST and I'm excited that it lives on! Here's a post I published after the 2015 event: 5 thoughts on EntreFEST

Board Approves Awards to support nearly $44 million in capital investments in Iowa (June 17)

The Iowa Economic Development Authority announced this week that they awarded funds to four startup companies: a $100,000 loan to telehealth startup Certintell, Inc (Des Moines), a $25,000 grant to construction tech startup (Sioux City), a $25,000 grant to ag-tech startup Smart Ag (Ames) and a $25,000 grant to sports tech startup Spectator (Iowa City).
TelePharm finds its prescription for fun
Corridor Business Journal (Chase Castle, June 21)

Iowa City telepharmacy startup TelePharm recently was named the No. 1 Small Company on the Corridor Business Journal's Coolest Places to Work list. Along with biannual team meetups and weekly reflections to connect with remote employees, TelePharm also uses its current team members to vet its new employees and ensure they're a good personality fit.

“It really ends up being a team, collaborative approach to hiring to really make sure the person’s a good fit," Operations Manager Courtney Henecke told the Corridor Business Journal.
From the Archives:

Start by giving to the community rather than taking from it

Geoff Wood (April 4, 2014)

It’s best to lead by not making it about you. That’s probably good advice for life but its certainly good advice for getting involved in a startup community. As I wrote on Monday, people will help you out if you raise your hand and ask for help. But, you’ll be more successful is you help them out first.
Gravitate is a community of more than 0 people who care about startups, technology and innovation in Iowa. We're glad you're here.

The Pull is curated by Geoff Wood and produced with help from Megan Bannister. Faster than Walt Flanagan's dog.

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