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1 Corinthian 15
Aloha, Friend!

Takuu New Testament online!

It is my pleasure to keep putting more Scriptures online in more languages and more formats. The latest one I processed is Takuu. Takuu is spoken on Takuu Atoll in the Bouganville Autonomous Region of Papua New Guinea by about 1,750 people. Although they have a printed New Testament, it is tough to keep it in print economically at this scale. With the rise of smart phones and computers in this area, it is now economically practical to keep the Scriptures accessible to these people in their own language.
Dylup Station Foursquare Church, Madang Province, Papua New Guinea
Please rejoice with us!
We thank God for:
  • Faithful partners who pray and give sacrificially as unto the Lord.
  • Favor with Bible translation agencies and Bible translators in granting us rights to distribute God's Word in electronic formats.
  • Breakthroughs in using technology to make God's Word more available in more languages.
  • Lives transformed and minds renewed by God's Word.
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Bible library on a micro SD card
We provide free access to Bibles in 790 translations covering 701 distinct languages. Thanks to the generosity and mission mindedness of the copyright owners, 679 of these Bibles are freely copyable. For English speakers, we provide the World English Bible and its derivatives. All of the other Bible translations are translated by others who allow us to distribute their Bible translations. We do this because God's Word produces eternal results in people's lives. We don't require payment for any of these Bibles, but rather rely on God to supply our needs.
Some of the Bible sites I contribute to or maintain are:
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