Budgets and membership fees for 2016-17
Over the last few seasons we have successfully begun to turn around a decreasing club membership and are expanding again. This is reflected in that the club is a friendly place to be around with great social activities, an improved program to assist new sailors and of course our fun TACKERS program. The increase in family membership this summer has been superb. Notwithstanding this great success, we generally experience some membership loses, so budgeting income is always a challenge.
The current financial results are looking positive for the 2015/16 year and it must be noted that the Committee has had limited major expenditure this year. Budgets have been prepared for the 2016-17 year, which includes a increase in expenditure on maintenance and structural work around the club facilities, resources, and an anticipated increases in our insurance. As we all know the club facilities are ageing, with a number of larger repairs and maintenance issues becoming necessary.
In the immediate future we will replace the clubs tractor with a more suitable vehicle, and condition of the trailers for the Course boat (RF Bates) and the James Pearl are currently being reviewed. We also need to begin our planning and budgeting for eventual replacement of our jetties.
In light of these considerations, at the May committee meeting the Committee of Management and members in attendance voted to increase the 2016-17 fees. Part of this increase is to bring WSC into similar fee rates as other small boat clubs. When compared to other clubs, some fees like boat storage and boat registration were very low and have been increased substantially, consequently we have not adopted an across the board flat increase. We have consciously tried to be fair and equitable with the rate increases that will sustain this fantastic club and encourage members to renew their membership and keep active in the club.
Invoices for the 2016-17 year’s fees will be posted out to all members in early July. Please pay your fees promptly in July and August.
View the 2016-17 fees on the website.