Newsletter of the Germans Trias Health Research Institute
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Training and Seminars @CanRutiCampus
Monday 4 July 15.30
IGTP Seminar
Hector Peinado, CNIO
Exosomes and metastasis, a new landscape
Host Hernando del Portillo
Sala Polivalent, IGTP
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Job Postings

Informació sobre els vacants a l'IGTP es troba a secció de "Job Offers" a la nostra web.

Administrativa Farmàcia (2016/44)
Es convoca un contracte d'una durada d'un mes, amb la finalitat de substituir les vacances d'estiu de l'administrativa de farmàcia
Més informació

Genomics and Bioinformatics Bioinformatician/Statistician (2016/45)

Qualified bioinformatician / statistician to support genomics and bioinformatics unit core facility service activities. Duties will include day to day tasks related to genomics ioinformatic and statistical data analysis derived from next generation sequencing and microarray technologies.
More information
PROJECTS: National Projects
Ginecología General, Medicina Materno Fetal , Ginecología Oncológica ,Medicina de la Reproducción
Investigación Básica en el ámbito de la Obstetricia y la Ginecología. La dotación de cada una de las 5 becas será de 3.000 euros.
Bases de la convocatória
El plazo de presentación de candidaturas, quedará cerrado el día 4 de noviembre de 2016 a las 22:00 horas.
Fecha IGTP: 25/10/2016

Ayudas predoctorales en oncología
La Junta Provincial de la AECC en Barcelona, lleva a cabo una convocatoria pública de ayudas destinadas a personal en formación en investigación oncológica para la realización de una tesis doctoral, y a las que podrán optar exclusivamente solicitantes que desarrollen su actividad en el área de influencia de esta junta provincial.
Bases de la convocatoria
La fecha límite de recepción deberá ser antes de las 17:00 horas del día 5 de septiembre de 2016
Fecha IGTP: 29/08/2016

Ayudas a proyectos de investigación en cáncer

La Junta Provincial de la AECC - Catalunya contra el Cáncer de Barcelona convoca ayudas destinadas a la financiación de proyectos de investigación en oncología. Se valorarán especialmente los trabajos de investigación clínica, traslacional y en psicooncología, así como de previsible repercusión social.
Bases de la convocatoria
La fecha límite de recepción deberá ser antes de las 17:00 horas del día 5 de septiembre de 2016
Fecha IGTP: 29/08/2016

Premi Nacional de Recerca
El Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya, mitjançant la Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació, convoca aquest guardó que té com a finalitat premiar l’investigador o la investigadora del sistema català de recerca i innovació que hagi contribuït durant la seva trajectòria professional de manera significativa a nivell internacional a l'avenç d'una disciplina científica en qualsevol dels seus àmbits: ciències humanes i socials, ciències de la vida i de la salut, ciències experimentals i tecnologia. El premi consisteix en una figura acreditativa del ceramista i escultor Jordi Serra i la quantitat de 40.000 euros.
Bases de la convocatoria
Deadline: 30/09/2016
Deadline IGTP: 23/09/2016

Premi Nacional de Recerca al Talent Jove
El Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya, mitjançant la Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació, convoca aquest premi que té com a finalitat estimular i reconèixer l’esforç dels/de les joves investigadors/ores que en la seva trajectòria professional hagin destacat per la qualitat i excel·lència del seu treball científic i de recerca. El premi consisteix en una figura acreditativa del ceramista i escultor Jordi Serra i la quantitat de 10.000 euros.
Bases de la convocatoria
Deadline: 30/09/2016
Deadline IGTP: 23/09/2016

Becas Predoctorales en Neurociencia
La Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno, en cumplimiento de su misión de servicio a la sociedad mediante acciones de formación de la juventud y promoción de la investigación científica, convoca 5 becas/contratos predoctorales en Neurociencia para jóvenes españoles que vayan a realizar su tesis doctoral en un programa de doctorado acreditado oficialmente en España. La dotación de la beca es de 23.500 € brutos en la primera anualidad.
Bases de la convocatoria
La fecha límite de envío de solicitudes es el 22 de julio de 2016
Fecha IGTP: 15/07/2016

PROJECTS: International Projects

Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers
Submit an application if you are a researcher from abroad with above average qualifications, completed your doctorate less than twelve years ago, already have your own research profile and are working at least at the level of Assistant Professor or Junior Research Group Leader or have a record of several years of independent academic work. A Humboldt Research Fellowship for experienced researchers allows you to carry out long-term research (6-18 months) in Germany. Applicants choose their own topic of research and their academic host. The fellowship is flexible and can be divided up into as many as three stays within three years.
Funding: 3.150 EUR per month and additional benefits.
Call for proposals
Deadline: 31/12/2016

Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers
Submit an application if you are a researcher from abroad with above average qualifications, at the beginning of your academic career and only completed your doctorate in the last four years. A Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers allows you to carry out long-term research (6-24 months) in Germany. Applicants choose their own topic of research and their academic host. Funding: 2.650 EUR per month and additional benefits.
Call for proposals
Deadline: 31/12/2016

European Inventor Award
Nominations for the European Inventor Award 2017 are now open. The Award recognises outstanding inventors from around the world, from all technical fields and backgrounds. You don’t have to be an inventor yourself to put forward a nominee. People from industry, research institutes, IP associations and universities, as well as the general public, are all welcome to make a suggestion. So why not go ahead and nominate your favourite inventor? You can even nominate yourself if you want! 
Call for proposals
Deadline: 14/10/2016

BD Biosciences - Cancer research grants
BD Biosciences is committed to supporting the evolving field of cancer research through its cancer research grants. A total of $100,000 worth of research reagents are awarded annually to 10 scientists. Through the grant program, BD Biosciences supports scientists pursuing innovative ideas in cancer research, helping to define the next generation of scientific breakthroughs.
Call for proposals
Deadline: 01/09/2016

Accelerating Drug Discovery for Frontotemporal Degeneration
Research investigating the pathologic mechanisms underlying frontotemporal degeneration (FTD) is
advancing, creating new targets for drug discovery. The Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) and The Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (AFTD) seek to accelerate and support innovative drug discovery programs for FTD through this Request for Proposals (RFP).
Call for proposals
Deadline: 2 September 2016

Career Catalyst Research (CCR) Grants - Breast Cancer Basic Research
Postdoctoral Fellowship (PDF) Grants are intended to attract and support promising scientists and clinician/scientists who are embarking on careers dedicated to breast cancer research. By providing funding to outstanding postdoctoral/postgraduate fellows under the guidance of a mentor, Komen seeks to ensure that a diverse pool of highly trained scientists will emerge as the next generation of leaders in the field of breast cancer research. These leaders will play key roles in reducing breast cancer incidence and mortality within in the next decade, with the ultimate goal of ending breast cancer forever. Financiación: 150.000 USD per year for up to 3 years.
Call for proposals
Deadline: 14/07/2016

TÜBİTAK Research Fellowships for International Researchers
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) grants fellowships for international highly qualified PhD students and young post-doctoral researchers to pursue their research in Turkey in the fields of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities. The program aims to promote Turkey’s scientific and technological collaboration with countries of the prospective researchers. Preference will be given to candidates who demonstrate the potential to contribute significantly to Turkey’s goal of international cooperation in scientific and technological development. Funding: 2.500 TRY per month plus travel costs.
Call for proposals
Deadline: 07/10/2016

Scholarships Hopkins Fall Institute
One of the goals of the Johns Hopkins Fall Institute is to provide continuing public health educational opportunities to those who otherwise might not be able to participate in a formal degree program. To meet this goal, the Institute will offer a limited number of registration fee scholarships to support the participation of public health professionals in the Institute offerings. To be considered for a scholarship, the online scholarship application must be completed in its entirety and submitted for review by the Fall Institute Scholarship Review Committee. The Committee will review each scholarship application based on criteria established by the Fall Institute Oversight Committee.  Each scholarship application must include the applicant’s CV or resume in PDF format, along with the answers to specific questions on the applicant’s current employment status, academic background, and how their participation in the Fall Institute will contribute to their career growth.  It is vital that applicants pay careful attention to these questions and answer them as completely as possible.  Applicants should be as concrete and specific as possible about their interests and proposed courses of study and provide evidence that they are well matched to the interests of the course.  In the personal statement, applicants should emphasize what they will do with the information and skills learned in the course(s) and how this information will enhance their job performance or academic program work.
Call for proposals
The priority deadline for scholarship consideration is July 18, 2016.  Scholarship applications will be reviewed and considered on a space available basis through September 12, 2016. 
INNOVATION - News from the Innovation and Transfer Office
5 Juliol 2016
Valoració de companyies: més enllà dels números
Sessió organitzada per l’associació d’empreses CataloniaBio i Biocat que girarà entorn a la valoració d’una companyia biotecnològica en fases inicials, negociacions de la valoració
Més informació

14 Juliol 2016
XXI Fòrum d'Inversió
Ja es porten 21 edicions i el Fòrum d'Inversió d'ACCIÓ s'ha consolidat com una jornada única on alguns dels millors projectes emprenedors de l'any troben finançament, alhora que s'ha convertit en el principal punt de trobada i de connexió entre emprenedors i inversors. Omple el teu perfil amb informació rellevant sobre qui ets, què fas, què busques o què ofereixes, selecciona que vols participar en el networking i planifica la teva agenda de reunions.
Més informació
Programa Caixa Impulse 2016 - Últims dies
La Fundació LaCaixa, conjuntament amb Caixa Capital Risc i col·laboradors internacionals, convocant la segona edició del Caixa Impulse, programa ideat per donar suport a la valorització i transferència del coneixent en l’àmbit sanitari.
Data de termini: 1 d’Abril al 15 Juliol de 2016
Si us plau, els grups interessats en participar-hi, poseu-vos en contacte amb la oficina d’Innovació i Transferència si necessiteu el seu recolzament.
Enllaç a més informació aquí
Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists
In order to promote young scientists early in their career, SciLifeLab has engaged in a collaboration with AAAS and Science magazine, co-funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, to award an annual prize in the area of life science for the best PhD thesis work.
Deadline: 1 August 2016
More information
Felicidades a todo el equipo de Crohnfunding!
Un Dance Party a Suria capta 806 euros en benefici de la investigació contra la tuberculosi

La festa va tenir lloc el dissabte 11 de juny a Súria
Des de la Unitat de TuberculosiExperimental (UTE)
donen les gràcies a Joan Vendrell AKA DJ Jonny Fantom, Maria Casado (propietaria de La Braseria La Pobla), Miquel DJ Menfis  (1979-1994), tothom de l’associació "Casal de la Dona de Súria" i tots els assistents!  Més informació

Other Activities
CRISPR-CAS9 Tool: From gene to function
5-9 September
Course objective:
To introduce the student to the field of protein engineering and the use of artificial evolution to draw out new properties.  During this course, the participants will learn advanced investigation methods in enzymology and protein science, and will also obtain a basic knowledge of the underlying principles, methods and potential of genome editing using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. Finally the participants will able to design target specific CRISPR/Cas9 reagents and be able to analyze and assess the results obtained using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. The participants will also be made aware of the upcoming developments in the field of genome editing.
Deadline extended to 8 July
More information
Jornada divendres 1 de juliol 8:30 a 15:00

L’Hospital Germans Trias arriba a la xifra dels 1.000 trasplantaments

 Per aquest motiu, el Servei de Nefrologia ha preparat una jornada de col·loquis que tindrà lloc el divendres 1 de juliol a la sala d’actes del centre i a la qual, entre d’altres, estan convidats els pacients i familiars intervinguts, els serveis implicats en el trasplantament, així com l’equip directiu.

Sala d'Actes Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol
7-26 November 2016
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
The 13th Annual Health Policy and Management Fall Institute is scheduled for November 7-26, 2016 in Barcelona, Spain.  All courses are taught in English.
More information
Veure Newsletters anteriors aquí
See previous Newsletters here
Termini agència   Link Beques, premis, ajuts Núm. NL
6/30/2016 INT International Research Scholars - Basic biomedical research grants 348
6/30/2016 INT Research Answers to National Cancer Institute’s Pediatric Provocative Questions 348
6/30/2016 INT Physician Scientist Fellowship Program in Hepatology 348
6/30/2016 INT Research grants on contraception and reproductive health 348
6/30/2016 INT Science Award for Rare Diseases 348
7/1/2016 INT Grants for lung cancer research projects 348
7/1/2016 INT EFSD/JDRF/Lilly European Programme in Type 1 Diabetes Research 348
7/01/2016 INT Premios AstraZeneca a Jóvenes Investigadores 347
7/01/2016 INT Ayudas a la cooperación internacional empresarial en I+D (Programa INNOGLOBAL) 347
7/05/2016 ESP Ayudas para acciones de dinamización "Proyectos Europa Excelencia" 347
7/11/2016 INT Imaging and Biomarkers for Early Detection of Aggressive Cancer / National Institutes of Health (NIH 344
7/13/2016 ESP Ayudas para acciones de dinamización Redes de Excelencia 348
7/15/2016 ESP Programa Caixa Impuls 346
7/15/2016 ESP Ayudas INVESMIR para Médicos Residentes 347
7/21/2016 ESP Accions complementàries 2016 (ISCIII) 345
/725/2016 INT Consulta abierta para definir el ámbito científico de las Terapias Avanzadas en IMI 347
7/27/2016 INT EIG CONCERT-Japan Joint Call on Food, Crops and Biomass Production Technologies 348
7/29/2016 ESP Becas Fundación Dr. Antonio Esteve para traducción médica 347
7/31/2016 INT Fellowships in Arthritis and Pain for Young Researchers 348
8/1/2016 INT Junior Short Term Collaboration Award in Hematology Research 348
8/16/2016 INT Cancer Etiology and Early Detection Research / National Institutes of Health (NIH) 344
8/29/2016 ESP Junta Provincial de Barcelona de l'Associació Espanyola contre el Càncer convocatòria d'ajuts a projectes en investigació en càncer. 348
9/1/2016 INT Horizon 2020 - ERC Advanced Grant 2016 (ERC-2016-AdG 348
9/6/2016 INT Horizon Prize - Birth Day 348
9/8/2016 INT Horizon 2020 - Bio-based Industries PPP (H2020-BBI-JTI-2016) 348
9/15/2016 INT Research Fellowships for European researchers in Japan 348
9/15/2016 INT Eurostars-2 Programme for Research Performing SMEs 348
9/15/2016 INT The Brain Prize for outstanding contributions to European neuroscience 348
9/15/2016 INT The Brain Prize for outstanding contributions to European neuroscience 346
9/30/2016 INT Basic biomedical research grants in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosi 348
9/30/2016 INT Basic biomedical research grants in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosi 348
date in January INT Pre-announcement EU Joint Programme - Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) Call NL 338
date end of February INT Pre-announcement of the Active and Assisted Living Programme Call Challenge 2016 NL 338
Mar, Jun, Sept, Dec INT Meniere's Society Research Grants 345
13 Apr, 22 Jun 14 Sept 2016 INT The company of Biologists: Scientific Meeting Grants 345
31 Jul, 30 Nov 2016 INT The Company of Biologists Travel Grants 345
2016 INT Defense Health Program; Department of Defense Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Program. Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2016 (FY16). 347
2016-2017 INT Horizon2020 Work Programmes for 2016-2017 LIST OF CALLS NL 335
Ongoing INT Open IMI2 Calls NL 342
Various 01/15/2016 -09 /15/2016   Friederich´s Ataxia Research Alliance NL 342
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