June 2016
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Message from Craig King, 
Executive Director


We’ve enjoyed a lot of success with job development and placement over the past year. Partner organizations including the Department of Rehabilitation have placed many persons we serve in regular competitive employment at a wide variety of companies including Walgreen’s, Target, and Safeway. Most recently, we’ve directly placed a dozen individuals at BJ’s Brewhouse and McDonald's restaurants, working in small groups under the supervision of GO staff.

Our 2015-2018 strategic plan identifies employment development as a priority objective for organizational growth. For the individuals whom we serve, the opportunity to earn a paycheck through community integrated employment brings personal pride and dignity, as well as much-needed income to maintain independence. Through our own direct efforts and in partnership with other organizations, we are committed to making regular, competitive employment a reality for everyone who is able to work.

To prepare people for successful employment, our vocational training focuses on developing “soft skills”, such as good attendance, being on time, grooming and attire, following instructions, and positive teamwork spirit. We train individuals in basic skills of reading, writing, arithmetic, and computer and Internet literacy. When a candidate is ready to go to work, we support them through the initial job application and interview process. Once hired, our drivers then provide transportation from home to work. We provide onsite job coaching to maximize employee productivity and quality work. This comprehensive approach results in happy and productive employees and well-satisfied employers.

Companies that seek reliable, hard-working employees are warmly invited to join us. You’ll be glad you did!

Craig C. King
Executive Director
Greater Opportunities
900 Lafayette Street, Suite 700
Santa Clara, CA 95050
408-248-4464 x23

See Photos of GO at Work Here!

2nd Annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

Thank you!

This year’s Spaghetti Dinner raised over $5,000 that will help support our social recreation services. Participants enjoyed delicious pasta, garlic bread, salad and dessert served by community volunteers from One Brick Silicon Valley. A unique and very fun video produced by Marley Bishop featured our folks dancing in sync to Uptown Funk. Frenzy, the San Jose Barracudas mascot, provided amusingly goofy “help” to our kitchen volunteers and office staff – i.e., mostly helping himself … to the Jelly Bellies in the dispenser on Renee’s desk.

Our consumer artists sold hand-painted ceramics, greeting cards and paintings to lucky art collectors. Lots of great raffle prizes were won in several drawings throughout the evening. The silent auction closed at 7:50 pm with lucky bidders purchasing hockey memorabilia autographed by Sharks players and many other unique and valuable items.

A shout-out goes to our generous event sponsors and donors including: Heritage Bank, MBA Architects, Dr. Bill Dawson/Hopewell Acupuncture, Dr. David Chow, Bill Coker, the San Jose Sharks, the San Jose Barracudas, Stanford Athletics, Pier 39, AMC Theaters, Cinnabar Hills Golf Course, Rancho del Pueblo Golf Course, Embracing Your Space, Safeway, Costco, Save Mart and Sprouts.

Save your appetites (and your cash) for next year’s Spaghetti Dinner in September 2017. Thank you to all our generous supporters!
See Event Photos Here!
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