
Together we can create a safer more vibrant community!


June 2016

Gilmore Park News

AGM & Pizza Party in the Park
A shout out to everyone who attended our outdoor AGM, purchased pizza and / or came out to participate in the Parent Link Park Passport program on June 15!  A huge thank you to Omar at Nitza's Pizza on Graham Road for donating $400 to the Gilmore Park Community League!!

Our sincere appreciation also goes to departing board members Cory and Donna and a big welcome to new and returning members Christie, Maggie and Chrystal.  We welcome all neighbours to join our upcoming meeting August 31 at 6:30pm at Tammy's House.

Book Club - July 27
Here's a Novel Idea...Neighbour Christie will be hosting the Gilmore Park Community Leagues first Book Club evening. July 27 at 6:30pm at her house. The book is 'A Man Called Ove'. She will have wine & a few snacks. Bring your thoughts on the book and a snack to share. Please RSVP to Christie at HAPPY READING!

IVC Movie Night - August 11 
The Information and Volunteer Centre along with Fountain Tire are presenting a free outdoor movie event for families from across Strathcona County, Thursday, August 11 at St. Theresa's field.  Join them for a fresh air showing of Disney's animated hit Zootopia. More details are listed on the IVC website

These are the people in your neighbourhood
This month we are featuring Le-Ann Ewaskiw.  Le-Ann is no stranger to volunteering for her community both personally and professionally.  She is currently the Coordinator of the Youth Volunteer Program at the Strathcona County Information and Volunteer Centre.

Q&A with Le-Ann
Q: How long have you lived in Glen Allan?
 12 years
Q: What do you like about your neighbourhood?
I love the fact that I feel confident that our family and home is safe with the knowledge that we all look out for each other in various ways
Q: What is your favourite community memory? One of many is when the kids play “Kick the Can” all night long with the neighbourhood kids
Q: What quote inspires you? It may not necessarily be inspiring but it always makes me laugh…Remember, as far as anyone knows. We’re a Nice Normal Family.  Author unknown

Happy Canada Day!
Gilmore Park Community League


If you have anything to add to upcoming e-newletters and/or if you have neighbours that would like to join our communications.



Did you know?

Small changes to the products you use can have a big benefit on your pocket book, heath and the environment in which we live.
A few drops of lavender essential oil blended with a few drops of citronella or lemon mixed with 4 ozs of witch hazel in a spray bottle makes an all-natural bug spray!
For more homemade bug spray recipes follow this

Hosting Events in
Gilmore Park

If you are planning a birthday party, sport team gathering, family reunion, etc. and would like to use Gilmore Park, you should know that Strathcona County does not take bookings for the gazebo area.  You are welcome to come in advance and leave signs indicating the date and time of your event to reserve the tables.  For large events field space can be booked by completing this application.

Neighbourhood Exchange!
If you have an item to upcycle or if you need to borrow a wheel barrow, furniture dolly, ladder, etc. or need help mending pants or to fix a faucet, post your request to the Gilmore Park Facebook page or email with your specific need for an item or skill.  We can not guarantee that someone can help but we can facilitate the sharing/exchange by spreading the word! #NeighbourPower

If you would like GPCL to send a note to a neighbour for any reason: new to the neighbourhood, new baby, experienced a loss in the family, etc.  please email us at

Subscribe to Community Updates via Mayor Roxanne Carr

Stay connected via Councillor Dave Anderson's Ward 2 Updates

More info and news from Strathcona County

2016-2017 GPCL
Board of Directors

Tammy, Mycki, Deneka, Alena, Katie, Shelley, Christie, Maggie & Chrystal


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