
Issue No. 28 Community Voices in Health Professional Education at UBC

june 2016

Issue 28

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Voices Newsletter

Reaching over 1400 people in the community and university, this newsletter promotes patient and community involvement in health professional education at UBC.


Patients Needed to Help with Physical Therapy Course

The UBC Physical Therapy program needs people with musculoskeletal issues, chronic neurological or chronic respiratory conditions to help students learn patient interviewing skills.

Ten volunteers are needed for 3 hours on October 14, 2016. Prior experience with physical therapists is preferred. Read more...

Health Advocacy Training for Family Practice Residents

On May 19th, pediatric and family practice residents took part in a workshop on health advocacy created in collaboration with the Rare Diseases Foundation.

The workshop featured real cases that were co-written and co-facilitated by mothers of children with rare diseases and a genetic counselor.

"I learned a whole new aspect of how we interact with families and input in case management by social workers and other health care providers." said one resident

"I really liked the idea of advocating with patients vs. for patients and partnering with strong organizations to lend a voice when possible!" said another resident.

The workshop was developed with funding from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. It was the 3rd workshop of its kind. A variation of the workshop for residents specializing in geriatrics has been developed and delivered with organizations that support seniors.

A new workshop on opportunities for health advocacy in the health care system is under development. For more information visit:  

'Vancouver Group' Begins Taking Requests

The 'Vancouver Group' has begun to develop a process for connecting university educators with patients and community representatives who are needed for a range of educational activities. It is currently working on requests from the UBC Physical Therapy program and the Office of the Vice-Provost Health.

The group arose following the 'Where's the Patient's Voice in Health Professional Education?' conference to implement recommendations set by the conference's Vancouver Statement 2015. Members meet regularly and are in the process of finding a name for the group that represents the vision and mission. Stay tuned!

For more information visit

A 'Meeting of Experts' at Plymoth University, UK

Bill Godolphin and Angela Towle from UBC took time out of their recent holiday in Cornwall, England, to meet with colleagues from Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry to exchange ideas about patient and public engagement.

Rebecca Pitt, who presented some of their work at the ‘Where’s the Patient’s Voice?’ conference, was joined by her colleagues, Sam Regan de Bere and Suzanne Nunn, from the Collaboration for the Advancement of Medical Education Research and Assessment (CAMERA).

"We were interested in their innovative work to bring patient voices into decisions about the recertification of physicians and they were interested in hearing about the ‘Vancouver Group’" said Dr. Towle. They hope to be able to share their experiences at a conference being planned in Plymoth for next year.
Brought to you by:

Patient & Community Partnership for Education
Office of the Vice-Provost Health
Woodward Instructional Resources Center
400 - 2194 Health Sciences Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada
Tel: (604) 822-8002