Illuminating ideas for your outdoor room
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Make your patio glow this summer


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Steve Bishop is a qualified electrician and a member of NAPIT. To see his qualifications click here.
Well we've had a glimpse of sunshine this year, not much but enough to get us dreaming about sipping chilled Prosecco, and inhaling the heady scent of honeysuckle while the sun goes down. I've covered garden lighting in a previous Circuit Shorts (see here) but this one is dedicated to patios and terraces.  The right kind of lighting can transform your outdoor room into an extension of your living room as dusk descends, and twilight turns to darkness. You can flood light across patios to illuminate alfresco parties, or use strategically positioned lamps and spotlights to create gleaming pools that highlight and add drama to interesting features, such as a statue, attractive architecture or a plant. You can also use lights to create an illuminated welcome at an entrance, make paths and steps safer to use, as well as providing overnight security.

String lights, lanterns and chain lights

These really set the scene and you can move them around to suit the occasion and even take them down when you’re not using them.  You can hang them on your house and along a fence and if you're entertaining, even include a string around the patio umbrella to add light to the table. Be sure to only hang string lights which are RCD protected. See our previous Circuit Shorts about RCDs here.  If you have trees or hedges surrounding your patio, try hanging them in these to add atmosphere.  Tree lights are particularly good for parties and occasional use.
Floor/table lamps

The right lamp can transform your patio as they give off an ambient glow and can give a mediterranean look to brickwork and paving.  Look for floor and table lamps that feature a weatherproof, grounded cord and plug and an unbreakable enclosure for the bulb.   These must always be RCD protected (see our previous Circuit Shorts about RCDs here). Make sure the shade is waterproof – essential for a typically English summer!  A weighted bottom helps keep the lamp where it belongs if wind is an issue. 


Downlights  are good for gently lighting a patio, creating a nice ambience. Great for picking out features such as a tree.  Place above a table to give you more light when you are eating.


The light is thrown upwards to add vertical emphasis, they can  give a dramatic theatre-like feel on brick work and architecture. Uplights  will also create shadows from pot plants to give a powerful effect.

Path lighting

Path lighting can transform even the most ordinary of path into an enchanting evening walkway.  They can also prevent tripping as they light up path edges and uneven paving.  Don't make the mistake of having too many too close together as your path will end up looking like an airport runway.


The geometry of steps makes them perfect of dramatic lighting. These are usually recessed into the wall or sunk into the steps. Again, a great safety feature too as it’s all too easy to trip up a step which has disappeared into the darkness.
Water and pond lighting.

Something quite extraordinary happens when light travels through water. Even the slightest ripple in the shallowest of waters sends remarkable shadows through to surfaces overhead. Lighting upwards or downwards through running water gives a mesmerising effect.
 Transform a water feature with clever lighting and see how the flowing water adds movement to the light.

Decking lighting

Decking lights can really set the atmosphere by providing subtle ambient illumination. Twinkly white lights or soft blue hue LED walkover lights make great marker lighting around the edge of a deck or on steps.


Pendant Lights

If you have a covered patio then pendant lights can add style to the area as they resemble a light fixture typically found indoors.  A hanging lamp above your garden table will give you the perfect functional light for eating outside, playing games – or even reading.

Outdoor kitchen lighting

If you have a barbecue on your patio, task lighting is essential if only to stop people falling into it. String lights good great over a barbecue but do make sure they are well out of the way of the heat.

Light pollution

Don’t go over the top!  You don’t want your neighbour throwing profanities over the garden fence because your party lights are illuminating his bedroom when he’s trying to sleep.  Click here to find out more about government legislation regarding light pollution.


Motion sensor lighting

Motion sensor lights come a long way! Up until a few years ago, they were mainly connected to unattractive bulkhead lights and flood lights but today there is a vast selection in a variety of styles that have integral passive infrared sensors or PIRs. Wall-mounted lights with motion-sensors will give you the added convenience of instant light, whenever you step outside and are also great security light.  See our previous Circuit Shorts on security lighting here.
I'm sure I don't have to tell you, mixing electricity with the elements is a risky business and should be carried out by a Part P approved electrician who is registered with a government approved body, such as NAPIT (search the register hereOutdoor electrics should ALWAYS be RCD protected (see our previous Circuit Shorts about RCDs here).

If you would like some advice on making the best of your patio or terrace with lighting or if you would like to make an appointment for a free quotation on any of the services we provide (click here for more details about the electrical services we can provide for you) then please contact me.

More to read:
Thrifty Shorts - 30 bang-on thrifty tips to save you bundles with kitchen appliances
Smoke alarms - make sure there IS smoke without fire
Sex up your outdoor room with some sultry garden lighting
Save bundles with LED lamps
RCDs save lives
In a nutshell - electrical reports and certificates
Keep your home safe with security lighting
DIY electrical work - everything you need to know
Create the illusion of space with clever lighting
Design and create your perfect lighting plan
Flush with excitement at our sexy bathroom lighting ideas
Thrifty Shorts 3 - Have a magical but thrifty Christmas with our money saving tips
We've cooked up some wicked ideas to light up your kitchen
Give your home an electrical health check
Make your nights glow with our dreamy bedroom lighting ideas
Selling your home?  Showcase it with beautiful lighting
Make your patio glow this summer
Our guide to choosing the right light bulb for you

Steve Bishop
Mob: 07866 724718
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