Value Analytics, Impact Consultancy and Global Solutions
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EU Commission: time-level-value
S/E Ratio Integrated Model Illustration
VIDEO: Modelling intervention of independent service providers (fire, health, employment ...), all with different social efficiencies, linking it to non-financial outcomes

Predictive Analytics Consultancy

The CCEG Analytics Team provides data harvesting, modelling, forecasting and dashboard provision using deep multi-disciplinary tested algorithms
We work with governments and legislative bodies to measure the effectiveness of social interventions and develop improved instruments for regional change

Whole System Solutions

VIDEO: MBC-TV News covers CCEG Think Tank 3rd International Conference on Wealth of Nations, 2nd June 2016, Mauritius, focusing on 360 whole country value creation across public, private, civil society and community sectors

Project Phronesis: your chance to create a Value Based Utopia

We are looking for a transformative flagship project to advance society. You have the vision, we have the ability and resources to make it real. Share your big idea with us!
We are seeking to add expertise to our global Think Tank, and separately to appoint to our Advisory Board to Social Value & Intangibles Review. Are you interested to join?

Seeking Board Members

 CCEG is an independent Think Tank focusing on the movement of value  
Copyright © 2016 Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise and Governance, All rights reserved.

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