***Dal Pride Event****

Thursday July 21st
Fountain School of Preforming Arts, Dalhousie University

In this screening we will be watching and discussing the film Carol.

Carol is a 2015 film based on the groundbreaking novel The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith. The screenplay is written by Phyllis Nagy and the film is directed by Todd Haynes. The film explores the relationship between two women attempting to navigate their developing romance during 1952. 

This movie is a decadent display of queer femme4femme love that depicts the complexities of intersecting power dynamics including: class divides, heteromonogamy, femmephobia, lesbophobia, and the good mother/bad mother dichotomy that characterized a post WW2 America.  

This film is an absolutely beautiful bittersweet love song that is unique in its tenderness and melancholy. Shot on Super 16mm film, the film looks like 1952. The colours, costuming, set design and over mise-en-scene make the subject matter all the more real. 
Sunday, July 10th
Dalhousie Urban Garden (Henry street)

Another weekly work party! Come out this week to help us check out the garden and get some work done! 
~Loaded Ladle Zine Call out~
~~Toxic Masculinity and Allyship~~

The Loaded Ladle is doing a variety of projects over the summer, including a Zine Series. We want our zines to be collaborative and are doing callouts for folks to submit artwork, poetry, autobiographical works, prose, etc.

All submissions have the option to remain anonymous. Submissions can be made at:

Toxic Masculinity and Allyship Zine Callout: 

This zine will focus on deconstructing the toxicity that can be a part of masculinity and how it is expressed. We will be exploring the way that toxic masculinity contributes to rape culture and sexualized violence. We then hope to provide some resources and guides on being an ally and supporting survivors, and the ways that we can give ourselves support. We are looking for submissions related (but not limited) to:
- What does/can non-violent and nontoxic masculinity look like in society, feeling, and/or expression?
- How can we collectively challenge toxic masculinity? In what ways does toxic masculinity harm folks?
- How can we use non-violent masculinity to become ally's to those who have experienced sexualized violence?
- What is needed to become an ally?

We will be accepting submissions on a continuous basis until July 15
We look forward to working and sharing with you!
Queering Screenwriting
Friday, July 8th
Halifax North Memorial Library

In this workshop we will open up a discussion about queerness in film, and begin to devise our own screenplay of a story we really want to see on the screen! We'll look at the language of film and conventions of cinematography and how these might be used subversively, how to write queer characters, what is lacking for queer narratives in film right now as we see it, and writing to collapse binaries.

We will collaborate on ideas for a potential film and craft the beginnings of a screenplay through the flow of discussion and do some writing exercises. There will be some tips on how to structure a screenplay and the way to format, but this is a pretty open workshop for people of any writing forms or interests! 

We hope to end with everyone inspired and empowered to write multifaceted narratives of queerness, and if there is interest are even open to developing the screenplay going forward this summer! This workshop suits any abilities, to anyone interested in exploring how to tell a story.

For accessibility information and facilitator bios, check out the Facebook event!
The Canadian Afghan Association of Atlantic Canada (CAAAC) was created earlier this year, with a mandate that advocates awareness of the Afghans peoples struggle, within Afghanistan or as refugees around the world. Our purpose is to act as a support to Afghans and give voice to their situation in order to educate and bring understanding to their current situation. It is no surprise that Afghanistan has incurred many great losses through war and conflict, but recently it seems as though Afghanistan has been forgotten yet the country and its peoples remain oppressed under Taliban rule.
Afghanistan has been struggling for decades. The people have no guaranteed of safety in their own land.  It is our greatest honour to stand side by side as a support to Afghans locally and internationally. We at CAAAC pride ourselves in providing assistance in any educational capacity needed within our own community and throughout the world.  Our purpose is to foster relationships between the Afghan Canadians and Canadians, so that we may work holistically as a community.

It is with this intent that the CAAAC would like to plan a research trip to Afghanistan. This trip would create opportunities for those involved in our society as well as to the Afghans who will be receiving aid. While in Afghanistan our plan is to record the stories of Afghans there to share the truth of their reality with the world. Through video documentation as well as journals and articles we plan on publishing our works to spread awareness. This enables us to showcase our efforts and research to benefit society.
By going to Afghanistan and conducting research and actually meeting some of the people that need our help we, are able to come back to our communities with real knowledge of the plight and needs of the people that we interact with. We can then share what we have learned, not only with our Dalhousie University colleagues, but with our municipality, province and country.

The society will be hosting a fund raising dinner, dance event on July 21st 2016 at Dalhousie University club. 

If you would like to purchase tickets to this fundraiser or volunteer to help out, please contact

Thank you!!

During this historical moment, during the time of ‪#BlackLivesMatter‬, during Pride season, there is a role that white and non-Black allies must play in supporting the movement for racial justice. Here are some practical and accessible tips for considering our individual and collective responsibilities to further the work of dismantling white supremacy.

-Be an accomplice, not an ally. 
-Use your privilege to call other white and non-Black folks into conversations about confronting white supremacy within ourselves, relationships, movements, organizations.
-Challenge your notion of safe spaces.
-Realize that real radical change begins at home.
-Commit to considering your participation in racism, anti-Blackness, settler colonialism, and xenophobia.
-Stop saying "all lives matter". Realize why this is not a fair statement. Recognize that all lives WILL matter only WHEN Black lives matter.
-Speak out publicly about racism.
-Stop relying on BIPOC folks to educate you. 
-Organize reading groups, discussion spaces, peer support for other non-Black peers. Engage your community in action for racial justice.
-Give money to the BIPOC initiatives in your community. Fund their leadership. 
-Ask yourself what you were taught about the police. If you were taught to consider them your friend/protector, ask yourself why.
-Remember that Pride is a movement that was started by Black transwomen in resistance to police brutality and State surveillance. By centring/defending police presence in parades and communities, we are ignoring a legacy and continuum of violence. 
-Change is growth and growth is necessary.  
-Pride has and always will be political. 

"I don’t believe in allies; I believe in the decolonizing power of solidarity."
-Umi Selah

With love,
The staff and board of the South House 


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