Will's Weekly Digest | July 6, 2016
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McGrab Bag

Happy Hump Day, and happy belated birthday, America. Today's digest is a hodgepodge of fun articles on everything and nothing in particular. All of the links are well worth a read, so if you're looking for something random and interesting to fill your Wednesday afternoon, happy hunting!

Trivia players, make sure to check out the important update.

As always, happy Wednesday and happy reading.

This Day in History

1957 - Althea Gibson becomes the first black person to win Wimbledon, capturing the women's singles title (Arthur Ashe was the first black male to win Wimbledon i 1975). Gibson was a titanic pioneer for African-Americans in professional sports - she was a professional golfer as well - and now 59 years after her victory it's possible the Williams sisters will be playing each other in the Wimbledon Finals, and one of those sisters is the single greatest female tennis player of all time. 

The Man Who Loves Bee Stings

The title says it all, this is a story about a scientist who enjoys being stung and categorizing the pain on an index that includes some fun little descriptions of the experience (from Atlas Obscura). This is a short and fun read with some interesting and funny explanations. 

Did Jesus Have a Wife, A Most Misleading Title

A longer read, with a misleading title, but fascinating nonetheless. The story of these Coptic papyri is interesting as a stand alone, but also offers insight into how scholars examine historical documents for authenticity, and the complexity of that task (from the Atlantic). 

A Very Famous, Very Obscure Tibetan Woman

The world's most accomplished female mountain climber is a Sherpa woman and a housekeeper in Connecticut (from Outside Online). Interesting, sad, and inspiring. 

Pictures of Pluto's Moons

I got lazy with the headline, but these pictures are spectacular, and there's plenty of interesting Pluto-related trivia included in this piece (from NYTimes). Read this article and then go impress people with your knowledge of the long lost planet. 

Foxy Lady

Hello Foxy lady, what an appropriate name you have! Foxy here lives in New Mexico with her human Emily, and as you can probably tell from this picture, her favorite pastime is enjoying the beauty of the great outdoors. Foxy is pictured here doing what she does best, looking cute and feeling comfortable taking advantage of her scenic home. Big thanks to Emily for sharing Foxy!

Will's Weekly Trivia! 

Please be sure to share Willful Intent's new opt-in form with friends, and submit any thoughts and dog pics via the feedback form

IF you choose to answer the question, respond to with your answer. Please note that by competing you are giving me permission to publish your first name in the trivia leader board each week.

TRIVIA UPDATE: Only three weeks left until the first ever Will's Weekly Digest Trivia champion is crowned, and the trivia leader board resets! There will be extra questions leading up to the 7/27 digest, in which the winner will be announced! 


Last Week:
1. Which countries made up the Central Powers in WWI? ONE POINT
2. Who is the current Prime Minister of Britain who announced he would resign after the Brexit vote? ONE POINT
3. How many wars did France and Germany fight between 1870-1945 (HINT: more than two, but fewer than eight)? ONE POINT 

1. The three primary Central Powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. Bulgaria was also a member of the alliance. 
2. David Cameron is the current and outgoing Prime Minister of Britain.
3. Germany and France were at war three times between 1870-1945: The Franco-Prussian War; WWI; and WWII.

This Week:
1. What is the name of Pluto's largest moon? ONE POINT
2. List the four canonical gospels. ONE POINT
3. What is the name of the man who is first credited with summitting Mt. Everest? Where was he from? ONE POINT APIECE
4. What are the names of the two American scientists who have hosted a TV show named Cosmos? ONE POINT APIECE

The race for first is tightening! Check your spot on the leader board HERE on Willful Intent. 
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