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~ blending tradition & modern with a dash of sacred whimsy ~


3 Simple Steps to Forgiving

In the church we like to talk a lot about forgiveness, especially when it's God doing the forgiving. But every sinner knows what it's like to long for forgiveness from a brother or sister in Christ. And we all certainly know the challenge of forgiving others.In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus lays out his three simple steps to forgiving in the church. But as we know, in the Kingdom of God, simple doesn't always mean easy.

See you @10am this Sunday to worship, connect,
& dive into Matthew 18:15-22 with Megan Argabrite


This summer we are getting a great reminder that  "We Are the Church"
Being the Church means that we are not spectators. Wherever we are, Jesus is there, & that means so is the Church. Let's take that message online through Instagram & Facebook.  
When you find yourself serving somewhere, enjoying fellowship somewhere, embracing creation somewhere, snap a pic & post it with the hashtag #notspectators. Let's show the world that church doesn't just happen within the walls of the sanctuary!


FIRST HOUR @The Grove: Before we gather to worship corporately, we gather to connect personally & relationally through the telling of our stories at Growth Group. 
Grab your coffee. Meet us there. Be known.
 Sunday  /  9:00 -9:50am  / Sessions Room

People like cookies  /   People like punch too.
Serve people cookies & punch. It's what Jesus would do.


Volunteer to host fellowship by providing & serving the snacks at the Community Cafe where everyone gets a chance to fellowship after worship service each Sunday.  It's easy & is an important aspect of hospitality on Sunday mornings. We're asking everyone to volunteer once or twice a year.

Email Carole Thorsen  or Tara Oates
 to let them know you're willing to host.


The Grove will have a float in the parade. 
We're meeting at 9:30am at Hickory Grove Elementary, where the parade begins.
We'll walk, greet our neighbors, and pass out water bottles to bless them.
  • If you want to be in the parade, help create or decorate the Grove float, &/or walk with other folks from the Grove, contact Arden Smith at:

The Grove campus is hosting the end of parade big celebration
We need some helpers to prep for that day & to serve on that day.
Set up Sunday night, set up Monday morning, clean up/tear down Monday afternoon, cook & serve food.  We need people to help us set up the stage on Sunday night, set up chairs & tents Monday morning, clean up/tear down Monday afternoon, cook & serve food.  If you can help in any of these ways, contact Glenn at: gpkarr@yahoo.comPeople can also sign up on Sunday, call Glenn (704) 641-7384, or just show up.


Meets again JULY 10th
for 2 hours after worship.

Kids are having such a great time learning about how things grow. If you didn't come last time or haven't signed up yet...


Freedom School Breakfast Servers Still Needed  /  Sign Up Here

 What's Up With Them There Prayer Bracelets?
One of the privileges of being a Freedom School Site is that we get to know 72 children by name and story. Here's your chance to play a transformative role in one of their lives! Pick up a prayer bracelet in worship this Sunday that will have the name of one of our Freedom School scholars. Pray for that child by name this summer, and if you help with breakfast, come read a book, or just stop by one morning, take a minute to let your scholar know that you are praying just for them.
Want to help bring the gift of music to our community?
Our 2nd annual Grove Community Gospel Concert is coming up on Aug 18th and we need folks to be a part of the planning team. Last year's concert was truly an evening to remember and this year will be even better.

Contact Megan HERE if you would
like to be a part of making it happen.


8:45-9:45 Childcare
Christen Hoover
Carson Caroll


9:45 -11am Childcare
Christen Hoover
Domingo Figueroa

Megan Argabrite, Ms. Virginia Carter, Jason Turner, for successful transition with services staff, Rebecca Hart, for clarity for business, Keita Coates, pregnancy, Karen Struzick, David Kline, recovering from stomach surgery, Bonnie, Damion,  Amber Anderson, Brenden, Carson Carroll (recovering surgery), Ralph Scarboro, Courtney Reese. Ralph Scarboro. Carolyn Cooper. Philips family. Virginia Carter. Folks in rehab, Lisa Koons,  Nicolas Gourdine. Tommy & Sandra Young, Holden & Greyson Solomon (infant sons of April Solomon), Chris Bousman- preparing as a Wycliffe Missionary, Ricky Thorsen (still suffering effects from concussion), Catina Townsend, Roman Blevins, Aleigha Adams, Joseph Goines, Barbara Smith, Pam Brafford, Rick Thorsen, Sarah Haynes, The Seegar Family, Kris H., Bobby Fisher (home);  Dot Scarboro, Ms. Gilliam, Tracy Paradise, Emily Johnston, Jessica Hendley's Grandmother Joyce & son Lee.  (chemotherapy treatment), Ollie Marleaux, Carson Carroll, John Hinton, David Thurman, Charlotte & Sam Young,  Fourman family; Rachel Hardee, Patty Kisiah, Tim Henirich, Molly Heinrich
Check Out Our New Signage.

Images From Sunday @The Grove