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From the Headmaster 

I have been overwhelmed with the quality of performances the children have been involved in this week. I must commend the children for their enchanting performances in the Year Six production of ‘Alice in Wonderland’. It was simply breathtaking and it goes without saying that Mrs Hobson, Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Corrie have worked wonders with this group of children. Thank you! Similarly, the Year Five concert on Monday was also captivating, highlighting that we have another able group of children working their way through the school.

Sports Day managed to withstand the weather yesterday and each section of the school demonstrated what sports days should be all about – every child involved, lots of fun and personal bests galore with a total of 12 school records broken. Apologies for not being present at the Year Five and Six event – I was not truanting; the Governors’ Board Meeting was my calling.

I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow afternoon at our Summer Fete. I know the PTA have already spent hours and hours preparing for the event; please show your thanks by turning up in droves and having fun with your family and friends and of course spending lots of money!

Finally, may I extend my best wishes to the only remaining British Football team in the Euros tonight!

Wacky Wonderland

The wacky world of Lewis Carroll’s wonderland was the setting for the Year Six production and provided the audience with a truly memorable theatrical experience. Mrs Hobson’s vision of a performance in the round allowed the audience to become fully immersed in the story. Through innovative costume ideas and imaginative interpretation the tale of ‘Alice’ was brought to life. Add to this excellent acting and glorious singing and this was one of the most memorable of all the performances at RGS The Grange.

The creative team consisted of Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Hobson, with Mrs Corrie in charge of Music. The performance also benefitted from the help of a Year 11 RGS Worcester pupil, Tabitha Bradley, who choreographed exciting routines to accompany many of the songs.

The children’s energy and commitment was faultless, and the audience were led through Wonderland, discovering fierce ladies and pig babies along the way! Every child played their part from the smallest door to the tallest table, each one bringing their own unique contribution to the performance. The final courtroom scene was magnificent with the entire company coming together to sing ‘Off with her head’, but ending up as a pack of cards!

The performance truly demonstrated what a talented group of children we have in our midst; the focus, energy and passion that was shown was extremely impressive with the audience enjoyment evident throughout. The faultless solos, delightful dances and emotive performances left staff, parents and grandparents bursting with pride.
Surely it could not have just all been a curious dream…?

Down on the Farm

Last Wednesday Year Three had a fantastic day at Shortwood Farm organic farm, where the owners, Mr and Mrs Legge, spent their day teaching us more about farming life and caring for the animals.  

Feeding the kids was exciting – all of the children had a go, holding tightly onto the bottle. It was amazing how fast the kids sucked the milk.  

Holly, the placid Jersey cow, waited patiently while fifty children, plus a few staff, milked her.  The children found out that milk is warm when it comes out of the udder.

Mr Legge took us to his milking parlour and we saw the clusters for the udders, he explained that the cows liked being milked and he had to bring them in twice a day.  Some cows were better milkers than others.  

The tank stores the milk, stirring it constantly and keeping it cool until the tanker driver comes to collect it. This milk is then taken to the Yeo Valley Dairy to be used in its products.

A highlight for us all was a brilliant ride in a straw filled trailer behind Mr Legge’s tractor.  We bumped and bounced through muddy puddles and took in the wonderful views of the Herefordshire countryside.

We all enjoyed feeding the chickens and collecting a variety of different coloured eggs.

Our day finished watching a fun pig race.  We loved our day down on the farm and have written thank you letters to the Legges.


Felting Fun

Year Two finished their Rainforest topic with a fantastic workshop led by textiles artist Serena Partridge from Yorkshire. Serena started the session by showing the children how the felt pictures would be made using strands of wool, soap and water, their imagination as well as some muscle power.

After choosing a rainforest inspired motive the children started to arrange layers of wool to create the background of their picture before moving on to add all the detail. Next they placed some netting on top and rubbed soap all over. Then the hard work started – with a scrunched up plastic bag we had to rub in circles for about twenty minutes to create friction, so that the fibres could join together. 

We then had to lift the piece off the bubble wrap and place it onto a sushi mat. The last step was rolling the mat tightly backwards and forwards for a few minutes to drain off any moisture. To everyone’s amazement the hard work paid off, and colourful masterpieces appeared.

The children and staff very much enjoyed this felting experience and were rewarded with some wonderful and imaginative pictures; and all felt very accomplished and very pleased indeed at the end of the workshop. Many thanks from all of Year Two go to Serena, who has done workshops at the school for ten years.

RGS The Grange


Celebrating Success
Nursery - All Ladybirds & Caterpillars
Pre-School - All Butterflies
RB - All of RB
RP - All of RP
RW - All of RW
1E - All of 1E
1U - All of 1U
2H - All of 2H
2S - All of 2S
All of Early Years and Pre-Prep are Celebrating Success for their marvellous achievements in Sports Day!
3H - All of 3H!
3T - Jack Sprigg
3W - William Hobby
4C - Joshua Griffiths, Elizabeth Horton & Michael Liu
4E - George Hallam & Arjun Jawanda
4R - Lana Witcomb
5M - Aryan Sanghera & Annie Hallowell
5SI - Helena Parsons & Nathan Ruane
5So - Drew Chikosi, George Kilburn, Rupert Hobson & Ryan McGlynn

RGS The Grange Art Showcase
The annual RGS Grange Art Showcase will take place on during Grange Week. The Showcase is an art exhibition, where all pupils at RGS The Grange will get the chance to display a piece of art that they have completed during the year. 

This year the exhibition will be based around the Art Rooms. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 artwork will be displayed in the Pre-Prep Art Room. Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6’s artwork will be situated around the Prep Art Room and on the balcony above the dining room. The Art Showcase will be open to view between 8.00–8.35am and 3.45–5.30 pm throughout Grange Week, until Friday 8 July. Please ask your child to take you around the exhibition and point out the fantastic piece of art that they have on display.

We would like to thank Bevere Gallery. This is the fourth year that this fantastic local gallery will be supporting the event and they will be coming in to judge 1st, 2nd and 3rd best in show and year group winners.

Year One and Two Slideshow
Year One and Two will be showing slide shows of the year’s photographs on Tuesday 5 July at 1.30pm. These photos show us working hard in Forest School, on the playground, in the classroom and even doing a bit of work on our school trips. We would love to see you there as we also have our concert straight after at 2.00pm. Please feel free to bring other family members along.
Mr Uren

Summer Fete
2 July 2016 

Don't forget the annual Summer Fete tomorrow, 2 July 2016. We hope to replicate the success of previous fetes with a traditional ‘Village Fete’ feel. So, we see the return of miles of bunting, the Rybrook Pimms Bar, the ‘Vintage Tea Room’ as well as art and craft competitions and the ‘Great British Bake Off.’ 
We are hoping for good weather(!) and would love to see you all there!
Here’s to another fantastic fete!
Jo and Denise

Sports Day

Thank you to all those children, parents and staff that made RGS The Grange Sports Day 2016 such a fun and enjoyable day once again. Unbelievably after two weeks of rain the sun shone on the event and all children did themselves justice in the events they took part in.

The now traditional procession to Vangelis was enjoyed by a large crowd of parents, followed by the opening of Sports Day with our now infamous gong!! As always it was a genuine pleasure to watch children from 3 to 11 years old performing so confidently on what I’m sure is a nerve wracking stage. The Year 6’s hopefully captured what Sports Day is about with all pupils involved equally, giving it their all and supporting one another, no matter where they came in a race. We thought, as teachers, they were a credit to the school and super role models to the younger children who earlier in the day they had helped in their own Sports Day.

The RGS The Grange House Competition has been extremely well fought this year with many new events providing an extra layer of competition but as always, Sports Day seems to be the one that children are keenest to triumph in. Through out the entire day the lead kept switching between 3 houses. At one point three houses were all on the same score!!

By the end of the afternoon the final positions revealed an amazingly competitive Sports Day.

4th - 620 Points - Goodrich

3rd - 670 Points - Cornwall

2nd - 688 Points - Perowne

1st - 689 Points - Cash

Well done to Team Cash and Mrs Hadley and Mr Warne, as well as all the other three houses. It’s been a wonderful year for the House system and thanks, in part, needs to go to the Heads of Houses who have helped raise the profile of the House system and each of the Houses within it this year.

We look forward with anticipation to the final House results on Speech Day!.


Race for Life

Another busy day at RGS The Grange!  Today the whole school took part in a 1km charity walk / run in aid of Cancer Research UK. Every child received their Race For Life medal on completion of the course and you can see from the photographs that it was a really enjoyable and fun event. At first count the school has raised just over £631 - an amazing amount that will put to good use by Cancer Research UK.

A really big thank you to Mrs Odam for organising today and handing out medals as well as providing first aid. Can I JUST add no first aid was needed today, howvever, after setting up the course last night I was in need of oxygen!
Mr Howkins

Lost Property
Mrs Odam has a mountain of Lost Property - lots of unnamed general uniform and numerous cricket whites.  These will all be displayed in the Library from Monday onwards.  Please take some time to have a look - you might be surprised what you find!  Any unclaimed property at the end of the term will be disposed of.

OPRO Dental Visit
The OPRO dental professional will be visiting the school on: FRIDAY 2 SEPTEMBER 2016 at 10.30am.  Further information will follow before the end of term.

Reminder - Sports Teams
All sports teams can be found on RGS The Grange SPORTS WEBSITE  
Sports teams are also posted on the TV screen in the school foyer.
Holiday Club
Last chance to book for our new Holiday Club.  Many days are now full for the Snappers (4-7 years) but we still have spaces for Sharks and Shrimps.   Do check first if you have any queries.  We would love to see you over the summer.
Holiday Club Booking

Happy Birthday

The following children celebrate their birthdays during the next week:

Talulla Gregory
Francesca Southall
Matthew Smith

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RGS The Grange Worcester
Grange Lane, Claines
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