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Mt Carmel Lutheran Church
1701 Fredericks Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
Sunday Services: 8:45am and 11:00am
Office Hours: 8:30am - 3pm weekdays
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Printed Newsletter
Council Minutes
Campus Ministry
A message from Pastor Valerie...
Beloved sisters and brothers,
I am crying, in a coffee shop, as I write this.  I am crying for all of the families that lost loved ones this week.  I’m crying for all of the people who pulled triggers this week.  I’m crying for all of the people who live in constant fear of the moment the trigger is pulled on them.
I know crying doesn’t help.  I’m not crying to help, I’m crying because I can’t stop.
Our presiding bishop posted this “call to be present” on youtube and I encourage you to watch it:
She has words when I don’t.  Thanks be to God for our unity in the body of Christ.
The ELCA also livestreamed a service of prayer and lament that you can watch (no longer live) here:
It was helpful for me to watch this and find community with others in our church praying and grieving.
My friend, Rev. Eric Clapp, wrote this beautiful prayer on Facebook this morning and it spoke to me, so I am sharing it with you:
God of unending mercy, 
we are at a loss. 
Breaking news of violence breaks on 
breaking news of further violence.
Shots ring out at peaceful protests as brave women and men sworn to serve and protect our communities fall in violence. 
4 year old girls watch their daddies bleed out in the driver's seat.
A restrained man is shot 
in a convenience store lot
not once
not twice
not three times
not four times
not five times
but six times.
Meanwhile, we reel from news of bombs and lost lives in 
all over our blood-soaked world.
So we come before you in prayer 
because we are at a loss.
For our sins of commission and omission, 
we are truly sorry and humbly repent.
Have mercy on us, O Lord.
Help us to be more kind, gracious, and loving neighbors.
Give us words to speak to our children.
Mold our lives and our communities
with your radical love 
that bursts from our homes
into our streets
and our schools
and our libraries
and our grocery stores
and our communities
and our world.
Give us words when we are speechless,
rest when we are weary,
and courage to care 
for our neighbors in distress.
We pray this in the name of Jesus, the One who came to break every chain that binds, and give sight to anyone living in blindness.
I am crying as I write this, but I know that tears will not be the end.  Jesus wept for Lazarus, but that was not the end of the story (John 11:35).  When the magi did not return to Herod he enacted genocide on toddlers and it was fulfilled, what was written in Jeremiah:
 â€˜A voice was heard in Ramah,
   wailing and loud lamentation,
Rachel weeping for her children;
   she refused to be consoled, because they are no more.’

But that is not the end of that story either.
Today I am weeping, but this is not the end of the story.
Jesus promises in John 16: In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world!
That is the end of the story.
May the end come now.

Pastor Valerie
Contact Info:
To reach Pastor Valerie - 805-776-3377 or

To reach Pastor Dan - 805-776-3707 or


Recycling bulletins has its perks...not only for our earth, but also for our viewing pleasure!   

Look at what we uncovered:

Artistry in the congregation!

We don't know who the artist is, but we are impressed :)

Baby Brielle is home! Let’s help alleviate the stress in meal planning while caring for their new daughter. Please sign up to bring The Dellinger Family meals here:
Celebrate with Pastor Ryan and Melissa Chaddick on the healthy birth of their daughter, Ella Anne Chaddick, born at 10:05pm on July 5th, weighing 5lbs, 14oz.!  
Come Share Memories of Pastor Dan Witmer

There will be a celebration of Life for Pastor Dan Witmer, 11:00am on Saturday, August 20, at Mt. Carmel. Pastor Dan served twice as Interim Pastor, and then as Associate Pastor at Mt. Carmel. Join with Dan’s wife, Betty and the rest of the Witmer family, in celebrating a life well lived. Lunch will follow the service.

If you are available to help with the reception or provide food, please contact Nancy Priddy, 459-9249

VBS is almost here!  

Needs for the week of July 25-29th:

*Host family needed for 2 female VBS camp staff 
*Provide lunch for volunteers Mon-Wed or donate $$
*Lunch helpers 12-1:15pm (Mon-Friday)
*Cookies for Friday reception

Please direct questions and/or donations to Ingrid!

One Weekend...Two Retreats!
Men's Retreat! This Years Men's Advance theme is "The Masculine Journey" featuring  Rev. Greg Ronning, Mission Developer and Pastor at "The Table," and former Campus Pastor at Texas Lutheran University.  Through individual reflection on the stories of Jacob, Paul and Jesus, pastor Ronning will be our guide seeking what it means to be men of faith.
Cost: $150 per person; includes 5 meals, 2 socials and a powerful time of personal growth through bible study, music, fellowship and recreational activities at El Camino Pines Lutheran Camp.  For further information or contact John Keisler,  805 543-4259,

Registration for the Women’s Retreat continues after each Sunday service. The theme this year is, “Treasured Hearts.” Hear the story of Mary, the mother of Jesus, as we engage in what it means to treasure the amazing promises of God in our hearts.

Our speaker will be Pastor Sarah Sumner-Eisenbraun, Associate and Campus Pastor of Salem Lutheran Church, Glendale.

It will be held at La Casa de Maria, Oct. 14 – 16.

Total cost; $240, includes lodging, meals and program. $80 deposit due at registration, with second payment, $160, due 8-14-16. Cancellation – $100 penalty

Space is limited so sign up today!

Questions? Nancy Priddy, 459-9249

Adult Forums:
Pastor Valerie will continue our seven-week series, "My Neighbor is Muslim."  The series takes a Lutheran look at Islam including basic tenets of the faith, Muslim teachings about Jesus, relations with Christians and Jews, and worship practices. 

As a capstone to this series, we will have as our guest at Adult Forum on Sunday, July 31, Iman Mu’sab Abdullah of Mosque of Nareen to tell us more about his faith and answer questions we may have.  You will want to be on hand to hear the Iman.

Here is a link to the study we will be using: 

If you have a hand-held device, please bring it and use the above link to follow along in the study.
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