
Middle of Summer Fun

This is the time of cookouts, sun, beach and relaxation. Well, at least for some of us. 

A lot of people have been having a good month, others have been having a rough month. This is the nature of life, and we all just try to keep going as best as possible. It's funny that the New Moon coincides with the 4th of July. The New Moon generally stands for new beginnings and starting new projects. Many people are starting new projects while others are struggling to finish what they've got on their plate.  

The way things line up for us astrologically this month, as well as the trends/patterns we are seeing in society - it's a good idea to take the time to reflect on ourselves. Throughout the rest of the year we keep pushing ourselves to the brink of exhaustion, and summer seems to be a bit of a "respite" for our culture. This is why we are exploring the topic of Energetic Health and what exactly that means to us for journey group this month. 

As we delve into our patterns and what makes us tick, there are going to be some that will be struggling with the difference between change and transformation. There are a lot of good opportunities to energetically shift our consciousness, however it's up to us to take advantage of these windows. For more information on the astrological and global patterns this month, feel free to visit the Power Path Forecast or visit Mystic Momma

The next Heart Centered Sound Circle is in Fairfax on July 3rd from 1-3 pm
Suggested Journey group topic for June:
Energetic Hygiene and Health
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Heart Centered Sound Circles
Since Heart Centered Sound Circles are continuing to get more attention as time goes on, there have been two new additions to the Eagle Therapies website to help accommodate for this. There is now a FAQ as well as a Sing Along page to find a majority of the chants in one place.
Bring your drums! Bring your rattles! Next one is July 3rd in Fairfax, VA at August Moon Farm. Hope to see you there!
(We will also potentially be recording a song or two for the youtube channel)
If interested in staying connected, there is a Facebook group that shares the chants/songs sung at these events, as well as a youtube channel of the more popular ones asked to get recorded.
Shamanic Journey Group
Eagle Therapies hosts a once weekly Journey Group on Monday evenings in Fairfax at the Cardinal Center from 6PM to 7PM. There is always a "suggested journey topic" for each group meeting, and this month's theme is taking care of our energetic bucket. This month will be focused on energetic hygiene and self care under stressful situations. All skills levels welcomed. It's during the discussion where we share our journeys and help rediscover ourselves and how we operate. We do not interpret each others journeys, but instead offer insight from other perspectives. 
If you're curious on what exactly we will be talking about, there is an expanded blog post in regards to Energetic Hygiene - what is it and how do we take care of our energetic body? Here we are presented with the metaphor of an "energy bucket" and how to know when we need adequate self care during stressful situations. What happens if our energy bucket feels like it's about to get tipped over? Over the course of the month I will be posting videos as well as MP3's for guided meditations to accompany this concept. 
Drum Circles
There's a special Fourth of July drum circle in Greenbelt, MD!

The next drum circles in Takoma Park at the Gazebo are as scheduled:
July 13th
August 10th
September 14th
All of these will take place from 7-9 pm
Stay tuned to the Wednesday Drum Circle facebook group for more fun information
Year of Ceremony - Ancestral Healing
with Hank Wesselman PHD

For those that are not aware, the Year of Ceremony is an online digital ceremony that is put on by Sandra Ingerman in association with Sounds True. It is a digital ceremony held on the Full Moon of every month for 13 full moons (hence a year of ceremony) with rotating well known Shamanic Practitioners. We will have a projector and good quality speakers, and a discussion of our experiences after the Ceremony is over. This month the Ceremony will be lead by Hank Wesselman.

Gathering starts at 6:30 so we can set everything up and socialize before ceremony starts. 

7:00pm is when the broadcast begins, and Dr. Wesselman will begin explaining Ancestral Healing and what the value of it is. 

Around 7:30 or 7:45, we begin ceremony, then after there is a question and answer and we break out into our discussion group of what happened for us. We should be done by 8. For those that stay longer, you are welcome. 

Other Fun Events:

Every Monday at Intuitive Wellness Center: Beginner Meditation Group in Burke
July 6th: Establishing Healthy Boundaries Lotus Wellness Center in Manassas, VA
July 9th: Beloved Yoga and Flow Yoga presents Hanuman in Reston, VA
July 14th: Mini Sound Massage with Holistic Dynamic in Annapolis, MD
July 17th: Earth Centered Spirituality Service at UUCF church, Frederick, MD
July 17th: Shamanic Journeying at Neighborhood Accupuncture in Laurel, MD
July 17th: Illuminate Annapolis at the Double Tree Hilton in Annapolis, MD. 
July 19th: Full Moon Labyrinth Walk at UUCF in Frederick, MD
July 23rd: Psychic and Wellness Fair at Lotus Wellness Center in Manassas, VA

Fly high, everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful July!
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