Norths Runners news

Please forward to others that may be interested

The shortest day has gone ... come on summer
This July newsletter brings race 5 information, President Shield news, a physio talk, and bear hugs.

Race 5 | July 31 | Milsons Point
Please be ready to leave the bench at 8:10. Food volunteers are very welcome. I will make a salad.

President Shield | tentative date is Friday 23 September
I will have confirmed details after the July Sports Council meeting 14 July. A norths runners nominee -- please send through your suggestions by end July.

Physio talk | Jason Wheeler
Jason has approached us to give a talk on running injury management.
I'm a local physiotherapist working at St Leonards Physiotherapy and Norths Fitness, and recently gave a presentation at Norths on running injury management and prevention, shoe advice, training tips, and running specific exercises. It received excellent feedback - including from one of your members who said that you had other members interested in attending that weren't permitted because they weren't members of Norths Fitness. I'm happy to deliver the presentation to your club if you feel there is sufficient interest. It would include the above topics and also have a Q&A so that people can obtain more specific information. It would be a complementary, education-focused presentation addressing matters of importance to your members. I've been a physiotherapist for 10 years and run regularly myself having completed over 20 marathons and ultramarathons. I specialise in low back pain, knee pain, Pilates, and gait assessments.

Jason could either hold the  talk; at norths if I can book a room, St Leonards physio or can join us after our Sunday run -- maybe when the weather is a bit warmer and the runs shorter -- we could even start the run that day 30 minutes earlier -- yes I know radical but practical. The talk may take 30-45 minutes. I suggest the venue as norths or following a Sunday run. Please let me know your interest and your preferred venue. Of course this invitation can be extended once we establish the details.
Bear Hugs
mini mos

Dave Vlotman   42:14
Leigh Reynolds   47:01
Laurie Coleman   53:00
Kelvyn Steggles   53:06
Teresa Liu   56:21
Sharon Chiong   56:25
Carolyn Luxford   58:26
Woodford to Glenbrook
Leigh Reynolds  2:03:42
Teresa Liu   2:28:48
Sydney Half marathon
I hadn't included Sharon in the June Bear Hugs 2:00

AIS Running Study |

Are you a recreational runner, running more than 15km a week, and aged 18 or over? Take the online survey.
The AIS is looking for runners to participate in a research project on the role of genetics in exercise-induced injuries. This study aims to identify genetic variations that contribute to increased risk of, or protection from tendon and bone injuries sustained through participation in physical activity.

We invite you to participate in our online survey to help provide new insights into the genetic factors associated with exercise-induced injuries in recreational and elite athletes. This knowledge will be used to develop programs for the prevention of injury in sport and physical activity.

And should any past members want to be removed from the email list please let me know. We hope that you don't, as it is great to be able to keep in touch. 
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