Will's Weekly Digest | July 13, 2016
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Moving Forward Together

It has been a rough week for America. First Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were murdered by police, highlighting once again the inequities and failures of the American criminal justice system. Then, five police officers were murdered by a sniper in Dallas while guarding a protest. Violence begets violence, and we desperately need to extricate ourselves from the cycle of hatred we've fallen into. There is no way forward for America or the world except together. 

Humanity doesn't need a handful of heroes, humanity needs a world-full of ethical people living life in such a manner. We need to push the dominoes in the other direction. Let's all do the little things each and every day. 

As always, happy Wednesday and happy reading.

This Day in History

1985 - The Live Aid Concert kicks off, raising $127 million dollars to combat famine in Africa. Prince Charles and Princess Diana opened the concert in London, and it lasted for 16 hours in cities around the world, and streamed via satellite. The funds were enough to purchase and ship surplus food to affected African nations, helping alleviate suffering and starving.

The success of Live Aid is a great example of what we can do when we work together, but also highlights the need to implement sustainable solutions to problems rather than relying on superhuman efforts in moments of crisis. 

Art Makes You Smart

The proof is in the pudding, and the pudding says that having an artistic hobby is likely to correlate with successful in more quantifiable fields such as science. In fact, successful scientists are, on the whole, more likely to pursue artistic hobbies that most Americans, and even more likely than less successful scientists (from Priceonomics). Perhaps pondering string theory and painting a picture aren't quite as different as they seem, there is, after all, an inherent element of creativity in each. 

Putting Family First

America suffers from all sorts of inequalities, but I'm proud to see my former employer - and still family - Democracy Prep improving its paid time off for new parents (from Fast Company). Putting families, especially new families, first is not only the moral thing to do, it's increasingly good business. Happy employees work harder, are more successful, and stay longer.

To me, this points to something very simple yet powerful, invest in people and they will reward you.
Invest in strong families, and they will form a strong society. On a related note, be like my friend and former co-worker Ben (from Why We Give). We need more of this from other Bens. 

A Smarter Stance on Drugs 

From an NFL player who is - I think legitimately - concerned about the NFL's casual use of opiates to treat pain, but their harsh stance on marijuana, a drug with less legality but otherwise safer in almost every regard (from ESPN). America's war on drugs has done just about everything except limit drug use, and ironically, legal painkillers are now the most widely used and addictive drug. It's time for a reset on the drug war and the inequity and outdated social taboos that have come with it. I am glad to see someone whose career requires the use of such medications is using his voice sensibly. 

Shhhhhh, Enjoy the Beautiful Food

What's happier than food!? Not much as far as I'm concerned, and so to conclude today's digest, enjoy these soothing videos of bright fruits and vegetables being sorted (from Slate). It sounds weird because it is weird, but it's also very relaxing, and the voice-over and music are awesome. 


To warm afternoons dancing in the Arkansas heat with Odie, and even sneaking a quick kiss...if you count him licking my ear as a kiss. Odie has appeared in the digest before, he lives with his humans Tyler and Lydia and their daughter AJ, and he loves frolicking and dancing with friends in his nice backyard. He has been known to chase, but never catch, squirrels, rabbits, and varmints. Thanks to Tyler and Lydia for letting me dance with Odie! 

Will's Weekly Trivia! 

Please be sure to share Willful Intent's new opt-in form with friends, and submit any thoughts and dog pics via the feedback form

IF you choose to answer the question, respond to with your answer. Please note that by competing you are giving me permission to publish your first name in the trivia leader board each week.

TRIVIA UPDATE: Only two weeks left until the first ever Will's Weekly Digest Trivia champion is crowned, and the trivia leader board resets! There will be extra questions leading up to the 7/27 digest, in which the winner will be announced! 


Last Week:
1. What is the name of Pluto's largest moon? ONE POINT
2. List the four canonical gospels. ONE POINT
3. What is the name of the man who is first credited with summitting Mt. Everest? Where was he from? ONE POINT APIECE
4. What are the names of the two American scientists who have hosted a TV show named Cosmos? ONE POINT APIECE

1. Pluto's largest moon is Charon
2. The canonical gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
3. Sir Edmund Hillary is credited with being the first man to summit Mt. Everest. He was from New Zealand.
4. Carl Sagan hosted the original "Cosmos" series; his mentee, Neil deGrasse Tyson, hosts the new version. 

This Week:
1. Live Aid was originally planned in response to famine in which African nation? ONE POINT
2. How much did Live Aid rasie for charity? ONE POINT
3. Which bloc of European countries are known for their generous social policies such as paid family leave (don't need to name individual countries, just the bloc)? ONE POINT
4. During the colonial period which European country controlled more of Africa than any other? Which European country controlled and administered the Congo? ONE POINT APIECE

The race for first is tightening! Check your spot on the leader board HERE on Willful Intent. 
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