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 Strata News & Information

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To everyone effected by the current icy conditions - stay warm and safe! 

We are having a break from our Strata Snapshot Series this week. Join us next week for another information filled edition. Catch up on all videos in the series so far here. Don't forget to subscribe!

Biggest news of the week would have to be the confirmation of a commencement date for the NSW Strata Reforms. Read all about this in the NSW Fair Trading's Media Release.

As promised, here is a screenshot of the new LookUpStrata site. We have been working closely with The Hope Factory over the past few months and we are almost ready!

Thank you for being part of our
100th Edition of Strata News last week! 

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Latest Articles

NSW reforms

NSW: A New Era for Strata

NSW Fair Trading
The NSW Strata Scheme Reforms to benefit the more than two million people in NSW who own, rent or manage strata will come into effect from 30 November 2016.

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NSW reforms

QLD: Interim orders in the Commissioner’s Office

Hynes Legal
Everything in every dispute is usually urgent. This is especially the case if there is any form of emotional involvement in the dispute itself.

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NSW: Strata Living - Why Live in Strata?

Dieb P. Khoury and Clare Dominello, Benjamin & Khoury Solicitors
The obvious reasons, which we have all read about many times for example, are close to good schools, major work locations, and facilities etc. ideal opportunity to buy NEW, or Off The Plan.

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best apartment wifi

Poor Wi-Fi Impacts Apartment Value


Freedom Internet

Because we already understand that just having basic Wifi isn’t enough, here are some of the key reasons why it’s crucial to equip your apartment block with a high-performing Wifi service.
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NSW Balcony

NSW: Q&A Steps Required to Replace Balcony - Like for Like.

Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
Question: Who pays for the repair of my unsafe balcony and what are my rights regarding the design? Should the balcony be replaced with something similar?

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NSW SM statements

NSW: Drafting Community Management Statements

Michael Pobi, Pobi Lwayers
Community Management Statements are legal documents governed in New South Wales under the Community Land Development Act 1989 which is registered with a community plan.

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Qld flammable cladding

QLD: Is the Gold Coast’s tourism hub at risk of going up in flames?

LookUpStrata Team
The Queensland government may be putting thousands of lives at risk, with one leading figure claiming that unsafe building materials imported from overseas - flammable building cladding - could see high-rise buildings on the glitter strip “go up in flames”.

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NSW swimming pools

NSW: Swimming Pools Act 1992

Pierrette Khoury, Turnbull Bowles Lawyers
The Swimming Pools Act 1992 has further been amended since 2012 to improve the safety of children around swimming pools in NSW.

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visitor parking

NSW: Q&A Can Access to Visitor Parking be Restricted?

Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
Question: Can access to the visitor parking spaces be restricted from guests who come to my apartment? My Body Corporate Manager seems to think so!
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strata budgets

The Keys To Effective Strata Budgets - PODCAST

Amanda Farmer, Your Strata Property featuring
Andrew Terrell, Wellman Strata

The two keys to creating ideal strata budgets for your strata building:
  • a data oriented and specific strata budget
  • one that is easily explained with no ambiguity.
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News of the Week

NSW Reforms Commence

NSW New Strata Laws: 
Commencement Date Announced

NSW Fair Trading
New strata laws will start on 30 November 2016. They have been modernised to fit the reality of living in a strata townhouse or apartment today. 

The new building defect bond scheme will start on 1 July 2017.

Burj Khalifa

How Water Works In The Burj Khalifa

The Urban Developer
The Burj Khalifa is a marvel of modern engineering and a generally huge building.  So huge, in fact, the Burj Khalifa rises thirty-five stories higher than the world’s second tallest building, the Shanghai Tower. Naturally, when limits get pushed in any direction, they get pushed in every direction—as engineers set out to reach new heights with this construction, they also had to come up with novel solutions for many of the systems, including plumbing.


6000 Melb

New Melbourne apartment rules will not save city from ruin: planning expert

Clay Lucas and Aisha Dow
Melbourne's high-rise CBD construction boom will continue unabated despite the Andrews government's attempt to rein in its worst excesses, a leading planning academic has warned.

Most Read Article From Last Week's Newsletter

NSW top 5

Top 5 Ways the NSW New Strata Laws Will Impact your Life. VIDEO

Adrian Mueller, J S Mueller & Co Lawyers
Episode 3 - Strata Snapshot Series: For most lot owners in NSW, which new strata laws do you feel will have the most important impact on their life? What is happening regarding fines?

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Directory Listings

Welcome the following
strata business to
THE Strata Directory:

Leverage Group
Leverage Solicitors and Leverage Academy

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Jul 19:
SCA (WA): Lot Owners Forum

Jul 20:
NSW: OCN + City of Ryde - Nazis & Nitwits an owners guide to dealing with a difficult EC

Jul 23:
SEE Sustainable Experience: Green Your Building & Reap the Benefits

SEE Sustainable Experience: Eco-Strata

Jul 25:
NSW Fair Trading: Residential Strata Schemes Information Seminar (Revesby)

Jul 27:
Strata in Conversation Syd: New Laws in Practice

Visit our Strata Events Page

Breaking News

For the most comprehensive stream of strata news in Australia - follow us on Twitter.


Australia starts research on high-rise timber building products GCR 

Apartment Projects Likely To Be Shelved Until Next Growth Cycle Your Investment Property

Australian Apartment Prices to Fall – ‘Almost Everywhere’ Sourceable

Banks change mortgage policies as apartment glut looms The Adviser

New Cities. How Should They Be Designed? The Urban Developer

NSW: Sydney Apartment Sector Still Strong As Entire Unit Blocks Hit The Market Your Investment Property

QLD: ‘Peeping Tom’ concern over drones Sunshine Coast Daily

VIC:  Apartment Standards: $145K Extra and it's Not About the Size Urban Melbourne

WA: Developer battles for luxury tourist tower in South Perth WA Today

WA Government Urged to Get Real About Strata Reform Property Council of Australia

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