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‘Foundation for escalated career progression’ 
Guest Speaker:
Katrina Boyle,
 Executive Coach, Speaker and Author 
7am breakfast & networking,
7.30am Seminar – 8.45am Thursday 21st July 2016
Clayton Utz, Level 15, 1 Bligh Street, Sydney
In the legal profession women remain under-represented in senior roles and are often subject to a gender pay gap higher than average. Whilst some initiatives are being implemented to reduce this imbalance on a national scale, aspiring women must develop their foundational skills to ensure escalated career progression and salary acceleration.

In order to position themselves for promotion and increase their salary, females require more than just a wealth of experience in their field. They must also have the ability to negotiate their remuneration, identify and market their talents, and communicate on these areas assertively. In the Foundation for escalated career progression workshop Katrina Boyle will provide practical tips and proven strategies which have empowered many women in the legal industry to progress their careers and increase their salaries.
Katrina was a senior executive and had extensive experience in management positions over 20 years including different functional roles across HR, Marketing, Communications and Sales. She now operates her own business as an executive coach, speaker, author and facilitator with a focus on empowering women and leaders to navigate change.
Drawing on her academic qualifications in commerce and human resources as well as her extensive experience as a business leader, Katrina works with clients across various industries including IT, communications, legal, financial, and manufacturing and these organisations range from medium sized to blue-chip corporations. 
A passionate coach, Katrina specialises in change management, self-promotion and salary negotiation to help women and leaders develop practical solutions to be empowered to change.  Katrina developed The Achieving Woman, a program specifically designed to empower women to escalate their career progression and accelerate their salary increases. For further information, please visit:
Members $20 Non-Members $35, includes light breakfast
Please click here for the flyer & registration, or book and pay online

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