
Letter from Mrs. Campbell

Head of School 
There are moments in life that are both heavy and holy.  Moments that define a season and prepare you for what is to come. Last week at See You at the Pole our school experienced such a defining moment. We gathered to pray for our nation, President, community, families, school and each other.  

As we worshipped and prayed the presence of God was so tangible. My heart swelled as I heard young voices praying for the refugees in Syria, for a dad who is deployed in a war torn region, for a dog that was just hit by a car and may not recover, for help with tests and schoolwork and to be more like Jesus.  

Solemn moments like this are deeply needed in our culture. They are the foundation to what God has called us to do and even more importantly to be.  As classes were dismissed to go back to their day a remnant of 6 boys stayed behind. Their knees had been bowed on the hot asphalt for quite some time and they were fervently praying with tears streaming down their faces. An hour and a half later they were still praying, their souls and spirits experiencing a supernatural world that supersedes anything that compares with this temporal one we daily live in.  As I stood there watching a group of 3 scholars walked by to hang up our book fair sign on the fence.  They too were deeply moved by what they saw and began to cry. Then they asked, “Please Mrs. Campbell can we join them in prayer.” Of course my answer was yes.  Together, they touched heaven and changed earth. 

May we all remember to keep first things first and may our children continue to lead us. 

Below you will find a link to a video that our Middle School scholars produced about See You at the Pole, please do yourself a favor and take the time to watch and be encouraged. 

Also, I would like to say thank you to all of the parents who have provided valuable feedback to us via our school survey.  I am so grateful to be a part of such a wonderful community.  If you haven’t had an opportunity to fill out the survey yet, you can click here to do so.  

And lastly a quick update regarding our field. We haven’t had enough rain that would warrant the flooding that we currently see on our field leading into the Mandarin subdivision.  In fact, as many of you know I attended school here as a student in the 80’s and never have I seen the likes of such flooding! We are researching this with Seminole County but are not sure of the source so please continue to pray for God’s will to be done with our field as we work to find a solution. 

Best Regards,

Kristen Campbell
Head of School