ReKon Productions worked away the end of the summer with music videos and commercials! 
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Last week on a particularly warm day a couple of ReKoners wandered away from West Los Angeles and  Straight into Commerce.  

Director John Thomas Schrad and Producer Lesley Lopez collaborated with DeskMakers CEO Phil Polishook to create a fun and stylistic music video. Straight Outta Commerce takes it's musical and stylistic inspiration from the original 1989 music video, but strives to highlight the company and its unique products. With an original song written by Phil Polishook and composed by Javin Romero, the video playfully stars the entire team at DeskMakers. 

DeskMakers is one of the leading manufacturers of modern, customizable, and affordable laminate case goods, tables and desks.

Stay tuned for the official release of Straight Outta Commerce in the upcoming weeks. 
Noble Digital (from last year's ViceJar) called upon ReKon Productions to pitch a hand on their latest digital spot for Sound World Solutions

ReKoner Karen Rich joined the team working to create the story of a man who has no ears. Losing Your Ears was shot in our neighborhood of Santa Monica and will be released later this year. 
ReKon was able to work with one of our favorite creatives this month. Director Phil Hodges used his love and mastery of puppets to create Ephwurd’s Duckface music video.

A creative satire on the titular sensation the end product speaks for itself.  Check it out
here and share on all the social medias!

Familiar ReKon face, Justin Bell partnered up with ReKon Productions once again to shoot a  commercial for URB-E. 

URB-E is the world's most compact electric vehicle. Designed with the urban commuter in mind, URB-E is an electric bike designed in Pasadena and built in California. 

The commercial focused on the travels of a URB-E throughout the greater Los Angeles area. Shooting around the company's home base in Pasadena to the
quintessential drive towards the Downtown Skyline. 

The spot will be released later this fall. Keep an eye out on our social media platforms for the finished product! 


Copyright © ReKon Productions*, All rights reserved.
ReKon Productions is a Santa Monica based production services company, set out to help people tell stories one production at a time. 

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