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Bolt the “Back Door” against Federal Surveillance. Petition the President Now!

The FBI and its powerful backers in Congress have been pushing relentlessly for years for access to all of our electronic communications, even the ones we think we’ve protected. They want to require by law that any encryption technology and software we might use to protect our privacy be deliberately built to give all of law enforcement easy access to your otherwise secure phone calls, email, texts and other electronic communications. Cyber­security experts around the globe repeatedly have said that such “back doors” can’t be secured and would be irresistible lures to spies and criminals of all kinds.  Mandating them, the experts say, is a horrible idea. They’re right.

President Obama can end the immediate threat of Congress mandating “back doors” by making a single public statement opposing them. With a single mouse click, YOU can respectfully demand that he do exactly that by signing this “We the People” petition NOW. 

“,” a new national campaign to get hundreds of thousands of signatures on this petition, has just been co-launched by ALA and many other leading civil liberties organiza­tions. Together, we can bolt the back door against intrusive govern­ment surveillance. 

Please, add your name to the SaveCrypto petition to the President now . . . and pass it on!

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