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Electronic vote

The Case for Electronic Voting

Dee Pannell, Strata Vote
Will electronic voting reduce owner apathy and reduce quorum issues? We look at some of the benefits of introducing electronic voting at your scheme.

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insurance goughing

Is Insurance Premium Gouging a Good Idea?

David Leary, Leary & Partners
Automatic increases in the building sum insured (BSI) cost lot owners thousands of dollars in excess premiums and can cost body corporate managers their contracts.
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Unfinancial Lot Owner

NSW: Beware - Adjudicator’s Discretion to Dismiss Adjudication Application by an Unfinancial Lot Owner

Michael Pobi, Pobi Lawyers
Many are unaware that being an unfinancial lot owner can also be a legal impediment to the success of an application for Adjudicator’s orders.

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terminate Management agreement

VIC: “We wish to terminate your Owners Corporation Management agreement…”

Nicole Wilde, Tisher Liner FC Law
Terminating Management Agreements: termination of current and appointment of new Owners Corporation Managers has been a hot topic in the industry in recent years.

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Strata insurance

Guide to All Things Strata Insurance

Lia de Sousa, Whitbread Insurance Brokers
What is Insurance for strata titled properties and what does it cover you for? We answer the most common questions we get asked about Strata Insurance every day.
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Administrative fund

What is the Difference Between the Strata Administrative Fund and Sinking Fund in Queensland?

Kelly Borell, Tower Body Corporate Administration
A common question from owners about their body corporate financials – "what is the difference between the Strata Administrative Fund and the Sinking Fund"?
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Strata Reports

Watered Down issues in strata files can catch out unsuspecting buyers

Paula Byrnes, Metropolitan Strata Reports
As a strata inspector I often have to dig deep to pick up warning signs for potential issues simply because the wording used in the minutes had been watered down.
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Strata Insurance

3 Insurance covers that make common sense

Lia De Sousa, Whitbread Insurance Brokers
When it comes to strata insurance coverage – like everything else in strata living – nothing is a simple as it seems.

Please note: This is a repost of the article that appeared in last weeks newsletter. In error, a few of the cells in the table were transposed. Please check the updated article for the correct information. The error was entirely my own & I offer apologies for any confusion.
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News story of the week

parking compromise

Apartment owners strikes deal with Lane Cove Council rangers to enforce laws on visitor parking

Cassandra Briedis, NewsLocal
FED-UP residents of a Lane Cove apartment block have decided to tackle unauthorised visitor parking head on. In an effort to resolve ongoing problems, three-hour timed parking signs, effective from Monday to Saturday between 9am-6pm, have been installed at the site.

New Site Sponsors

Position Available:
Strata Manager
Leederville, WA

  • A progressive portfolio model and processes
  • Supportive environment
  • Attractive remuneration
  • Work life balance
  • Part of a recognized and highly regarded brand
  • Central office location
  • Coaching and training
Apply Now

NSW: Public Feedback Sought on Off the Plan Sunset Clauses

The NSW Government is conducting a survey to seek your feedback about off the plan property sales and assess the issues related to this type of property sale in NSW.

If you would like to take part in this survey a
bout buying and selling property off the plan, you have until 14 October to submit your thoughts.

See this media release or find out more on the NSW Fair Trading page.

SEP 30:
OCN (NSW): Your Legal Responsibilities for Living in a Vertical Village

OCT 7:
O’Brien Glass (NSW): Security Solution Demonstrations

OCT 13:
O’Brien Glass (NSW): Security Solution Demonstrations

NSW Fair Trading: Residential Strata Schemes Information Seminar (Bexley)

OCT 17:
Downsize With Style (NSW): Part 2: Find Your Style

OCT 20:
SCA (WA): Lot Owners Forum

OCT 21:
SCA (WA): Occupational Health and Safety

OCT 30:

SCA (ACT) 2015 Whitbread Strata Community Awards

OCT 31:
Downsize with Style (NSW): Masterclass

Visit our Strata Events Page

The most read article from our last newsletter?

issue estoppel

NSW: Beware - Issue Estoppel Applies to Strata Adjudications

Michael Pobi, Pobi Lawyers
If one or more previous Adjudication Applications and/or Appeals have been dismissed, check and ensure that the lot owner or owners corporation is not issue estopped from bringing the claim.

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New Directory Listings

LUNA - The Building Management Company

Master Building Inspectors

Leary & Partners


Breaking News

For the most comprehensive stream of strata news in Australia - follow us on Twitter.

5 questions you need to answer when investing in a strata complex SPI Online

Power cuts can curb apartment party animals Domain

Investors look north and south as Sydney property hits peaks SMH

How to fix the holes in Australia’s building codes The Fifth Estate

Ten sure signs if a strata block should be avoided Domain

Collective sale and renewal reforms NSW Fair Trading

QLD:  Gold Coast’s New $1.2 Billion Supertower To Put Q1 In The Shade The Urban Developer

VIC: Big city dwellers flooding into flats SBS News

City dwellers look for gym, pool, cafe, shopping when hunting for property


NZ: Apartment owners face maintenance timebomb

Queensland Waters Down ‘Off the Plan’ Protection Laws - See more at:
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