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Hi, Vancouver friends,

I wanted to send a quick apology for the random welcome newsletter you received this morning. Yesterday I consolidated my newsletter lists, but I did not realize that when I did so, some people would automatically receive the Lizzy Life welcome all over again! 

I hope you and your families are well. The weather here has been very Vancouver-ish lately, so it reminds us of you and the fun time we had with you last winter! You are in our prayers. Sending you lots of love from the Thompson Crazies!


(a.k.a. Elizabeth)

Who is Lizzy?

Elizabeth Laing Thompson works from home as a writer, editor, diaper changer, baby snuggler, laundry slayer, not-so-gourmet chef, floor mopper, kid chauffeur, dog groomer and tantrum tamer. She is always tired, but it's mostly the good kind.
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