Anne Laddon Newsletter Fall 2015: Artwork Sale & My News
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Studies & Sketches in Oil & Pastel from Paso Robles, Mexico & Europe

Greetings! I'm excited to share that I will be participating in the 17th Annual Open Studios Art Tour this month. Although I show many pieces in my studio at Studios on the Park, my bunkhouse is filled with additional works which I am bringing to town for the two weekends of the Tour. I'll have over 200 paintings deeply discounted so I hope you’ll take the opportunity to come and take a look at them!

This SALE will be in the Classroom Gallery
at Studios on the Park, 1130 Pine, Paso Robles

Two Weekends Only
October 10 & October 11: 10 am - 5 pm
October 17 & October 18: 10 am - 5 pm

The Open Studios Art Tour is a program of ARTS Obispo. Please call (805) 544-9251 or visit for more information.

My News

I am so incredibly fortunate to be able to continue to pursue my passion in paint. I thank you for your encouragement and purchases.

“Kitchen Still Life” Class
For the past year I have been teaching a small, private class. We focus on kitchen-themed still lifes and florals. If you are interested in taking a future workshop, please let me know.
Travels At Home & Abroad
Last year, I had the good fortune to take a wonderful trip to Croatia with a suitcase full of oil paints. I also continue to visit plein air festivals throughout the Southwest. Travels down the Colorado and Salmon Rivers have continued to inspire my artwork. More recently, my husband and I returned to San Miguel de Allende, where I spent several days creating pastels.

Festival Mozaic
I was honored to be the 2015 Poster Artist for Festival Mozaic. My pastel of a concert at Old Mission San Miguel was created specifically for the 45th anniversary of the Festival.

Studios on the Park
Of course, my main activity is working with Studios on the Park to develop our educational and exhibition programs. Teaching 6th Graders Plein Air Painting & Drawing at Hearst Castle with our Kids Art Smart program has inspired many new pastels of the "La Cuesta Encantada."
"Road Out To Bradley"
"Fiery Cliffs Along the Chama"
"Ginger Cafe"
"Sunflowers Forever"
"Two Sisters View, Maine"
"What's Up With Red?"
"Recreo View, San Miguel"
"Mission Mosaic"
"Casa Grande Tower"
"Casa del Monte"
Copyright © 2015 Anne Laddon, All rights reserved.

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