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Kindly find our weekly Newsletter.


P.S. If any of your family and/or friends is interested to join the Church mailing list, please send his/her e-mail address to  
  With Regards, Administration Team

Week # 36                       26 September 2015

"أَمَّا أَنَا فَبِكَثْرَةِ رَحْمَتِكَ أَدْخُلُ بَيْتَكَ. أَسْجُدُ فِي هَيْكَلِ قُدْسِكَ بِخَوْفِكَ"
 (مزامير 7:5)
"But as for me, I will come into Your house in the multitude of Your mercy; In fear of You I will worship toward Your holy temple"
   (Psalms 5:7)


عظة روحية للبابا شنودة الثالث

تذكار القديسين 

Saint of the week


سيرة قديـس هذا الأسبوع

Words with Meanings

كلمات ذات معنى

Ecumenical News
EN 01 Newsletter for Council of Churches WA

Church & Politics

CP 01 Vulnerable GLBT youth  pawns in Plebiscite game
CP 02 Marriage Rally, Perth, 20 Sept 2015
CP 03 Report on the Melbourne Rally - Pro-Marriage and Pro-Children
CP 04 Church Urges Politicians for Religious Equal Rights

Church & Community

CC 01 OMI alert: Syrian refugee intake in Western Australia

Church News
CN 01 Visiting Priests
CN 02 High School Spiritual Weekend
CN 03 Arabic Youth Meeting
CN 04 Upcoming Events
CN 05 Tutoring Programs

CN 06 Database Update Campaign
CN 07 New Church Bus Service
CN 08 Alpha Christian Shop

Real Estate and Housing
RE 01 Real Estate Corner

Our Newsletter
NL 01 Gold lampstand

The Church depends on your generous donations
Commonwealth Bank   
Church Management Account
BSB   : 066000
ACC# : 11065204

School Building Fund Account ($2 or more is TAX deductable)
BSB   : 066000
ACC# : 11065239
Lord Brethren Account
BSB   : 066000
ACC# : 11122205
Property Management Account
BSB   : 066000
ACC# : 11065220

New Flag of our Church

Our Graphic Designers suggested the above image to be the flag of our local church, your feedback is much appreciated.
Holy Liturgy
Every Sunday
08:30 - 11:30 PM

Every Saturday Evening
06:30 - 07:00 PM
Weekly Arabic Bible Study

Every Saturday Evening
06:30 - 08:00 PM

Midnight Praises
Every Saturday Evening
08:00 - 10:00 PM

English Bible Study
Every Tuesday Evening 
07:00 - 08:00 PM

Discipleship Course
Every Tuesday Evening 
06:00 - 08:30 PM

Weekly Prayer Meeting
Every Wednesday Evening
06:30 - 07:30 PM
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St Steven's Hymns and Rituals Meeting

Every Saturday 5:30 PM        
To get updated, join viber (Deacons-St Mary &
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Servants Meeting

Every Sunday
1:30 - 2:30 PM

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Every Friday Night
7:30 - 9:00 PM

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Confession Table

This week TBA
Next week TBA

Ground Cleaning Table

This week TBA
Next week TBA

Cleaning Roster

This week   TBA

Next week  TBA

Kitchen Roster

This week   TBA
Next week  TBA

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Voice of the Copts
Every Tuesday
1:00pm – 1:30pm EN
1:30pm – 2:30pm AR

Skype Arabic Bible Study
Thursday from 7:00 till 08:30 PM
Account: Masee7i

CCCP  “Coptic Communication Channel in PERTH”
It is a Viber group to communicate through. Dr. Eihab Bolous & Ms. Emmy Attia are the admin of the group. If you are a member in the group you are able to add others.

Are you interested in joining the panel of the interim consultants affiliated to the church executive committee – 2015?

The Executive Committee in its last meeting decided to invite any candidate who is interested in serving as a consultant to the Executive Committee till the forthcoming official elections. The anticipated elections is going to be sometime next year after the approval of the amended constitution.
Your role will be to give a professional advice to the committee and execute the instructions of it. You will attend certain committee meetings upon request by it. Everyone, including current consultants, are invited to fill an application form. The form is available here or in the Church. For any queries, please contact Fr. Abram Abdelmalek

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 العظة الأسبوعية 

للبابا شنودة الثالث

طوبي لمن اَمن و لم يري

Spiritual Talk
المزمور 122 (فرحت بالقائلين لي)
للأنبا أباكير


تذكار قديسين الاسبوع القادم 

25 سبتمبر
14 توت نياحة القديس اغاثون العمودي في سخا
استشهاد القديس فيلكس و الشهيدة ريجوله اخته
استشهاد القديس أكسيوبرانتيوس
26 سبتمبر
15 توت استشهاد القديس لونديانوس
28 سبتمبر
17 توت استشهاد القديس قسطور القس
نياحة القديسة ثاؤغنسطة
نياحة القديس المعلم جرجس الجوهري
29 سبتمبر
18 توت استشهاد القديس بروفوديوس المهرج
استشهاد الشهيد إستفانوس القس و القديسة نيكيتي
01 أكتوبر
20 توت نياحة القديسة ثاؤبستي
نياحة البابا أثناسيوس الثاني البطرك الثامن و العشرون
نياحة القديسة ميلاتينيالعذراء
02 أكتوبر
21 توت استشهاد القديس كيبريانوس الأسقف و القديسة يوستينا

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Saint of the Week

Saint Theopista

She was married and had a son. Her husband died while she was still young. She took it upon herself to become a nun. She started to practice the spiritual life. She persisted in fasting and continual prayers and worshipping day and night. She went to the holy father Abba Macarius, bishop of Nekios. She bowed to him, took his blessings, then she asked him to pray on her and put on her the garb of monasticism. 

Read More

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سـيرة قـديـس هذا الأسبوع


القديسة ثاؤبستى

كانت هذه القديسة قد تزوجت ورزقت ولدا واحدا. ومات بعلها وهى في ريعان الصبا: فأخذت على نفسها أن تترهبن. فابتدأت بممارسة السيرة الروحانية. وواظبت على الصوم والصلوات المتواترة وكثرة المطانيات ليلًا ونهارًا. ثم مضت إلى الأب القديس الأنبا مقاريوس أسقف نقيوس. (نقيوس ايشاتى هي زاوية رزين بالمنوفة). وسجدت له، وتباركت منه ثم سألته أن يصلى عليها ويلبسها اسكيم الرهبنة .

  إقرأ المزيد 

العودة للمحتويات

Words with Meaning
By Fr Abram Abdelmalek
  • The person may sin during his sleep, as much as during his waking.
  • If you left the honey jar open, don’t blame the ants for gathering around it.
  • If a person doesn’t get food waste out from his body, it rots inside him, and causes him to get sick. Likewise does the sin if it is concealed inside his heart.
  • When you impede a servant from doing his service, you don’t get charged only for impeding him, but all the guilt of whom he would have served also.
  •  Some magic happens only in people’s imagination.
  • Pretending to be ignorant, doesn’t exempt you from the blame.

كلمات ذات معني

للقس إبرام عبد الملك

  • قد يخطئ الإنسان في نومه، كما يخطئ في استيقاظه.
  • إذا تركت وعاء العسل مكشوفا، فلا تلم النمل إذا تجمع حوله.
  • إذا لم يخرج الإنسان فضلات الطعام من جسمه، تعفنت داخله،وعرضته للأمراض، كذلك الخطية إذا كتمها داخل قلبه.
  • عندما تعطل خادم عن خدمته لا تحمل ذنب الخادم فقط، بل ذنوب كل الذين كانوا سيخدمهم هذا الخادم .
  •  بعض السحر يحدث فقط في خيال الناس.
  • ادعاء الجهل بالأمور، لا يعفي صاحبه من الملامه .


Vulnerable GLBT youth pawns in plebiscite game

There is no research to show that legalising same-sex marriage would reduce the GLBT suicide rate. It would appear to be based on an ideological assumption rather than on hard evidence.

.Read More

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Marriage Rally, Perth, 20 Sept 2015

I am proud – as is each one of us here – to be a citizen of this great and lucky country.
I am the product of families with mothers and fathers. From 1829 here on the Swan on one side of the family and 1840 on the other side.
I am proud of our traditional values of families with mothers and fathers.
I stand in this tradition with our Aboriginal brothers and sisters – their families go back a long way before mine.
I believe – as did my parents and those before them – in freedom of speech.
I believe in a freedom to believe and to speak of that which I believe.
Every child deserves the opportunity of a father and a mother. Refugee children deserve this opportunity.  Our own stolen generation children deserve this opportunity.
And I believe we have the right to continue to proclaim this right for our children’s children.
This is our culture, our heritage. Let us not deliberately legislate something which is going to result in children missing either a mother or a father.
I believe in that great Aussie tradition of mateship and of equal opportunity.
I could not have been a doctor without that equality of opportunity.
But I still had to meet the qualifying criteria.
As a doctor I believe in compassion but compassion is not enough – I still had to meet the qualifying criteria.
From time to time in moments of madness I might aspire to be a lawyer. But I cannot practise as a lawyer unless I meet the qualifications required. Equality is subject to meeting the qualifying criteria. Extending compassion to me cannot make me a lawyer.
And compassion cannot make marriage something which it is not.
The criteria are simple – we have to be of a certain age and we have to be male and female. The biology of sexual reproduction is clear – even doctors know that.
Whatever arrangements people of the same sex might arrange with each other regarding sexual lifestyle and commitment, we cannot call it marriage. Even if we did call it marriage it is still not marriage.  Marriage is male and female in sexual union with the intent of commitment to each other in that union.
But there’s more. Marriage has the untold benefit of providing the opportunity for children with mothers and fathers. Sometimes this doesn’t work, but – in the words of Katy Faust the daughter of Lesbian parents – that does not mean we should normalise a family structure that requires children to lose either a biological mother or father.
Where possible, children do best in a healthy family with their own biological mothers and fathers. Intuitively we know this to be true, and we are now hearing from those who have been deliberately brought up without this privilege.
We should not need to defend marriage. And we should not be attacked for simply stating that which we believe to be true in all societies in all of history.
The sums add up, the facts are simple and clear. Marriage is intrinsic. Logic may be set aside but we cannot re-define that which cannot be re-defined.
We are here today to proclaim that which we believe to be right and we believe in the liberty to continue to proclaim these truths.

Lachlan Dunjey.

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 Report on the Melbourne Rally - Pro-Marriage and Pro-Children

Hi all,

I am very pleased to report that the Melbourne Rally went extremely well. I had the honour to MC the event and I admit I was a bit apprehensive about what kind of reception we might get from the LGBTI?
As we were about to start the speeches around 30 LGBTI demonstrators started to interject with a trumpet and chants etc. Without any prompting from us our crowd spontaneously started singing Amazing Grace. This silenced the objectors and we had no more interjections from that point. The event was well covered with prayer and we overcame the opposition with Grace and Worship. There were no scuffles or any physical interactions at all.
The spirit of our people was fantastic. Then about midway through the speeches two blokes came up and sat on the steps to the stage and started to kiss in front of the crowd. There was not one word from the crowd or any movement. The two guys then moved off and that was it. So our crowd were not belligerent or reactionary at all. I was so proud of them.
Our crowd were happy, cheering and right on top of things with joy, responsive cheers and delight in their freedom to express their faith position as being pro-children and pro-covenant of marriage. There was no negativity at all and the speeches were excellent.
I estimate we had around 900-1000 at the Melbourne Rally, as you can see from the two attached photos.
So we tested the waters and proved that we can run very successful rallies with the right heart. While the numbers were not overwhelming and the media coverage minimal, I feel we achieved our primary objective to shift the atmosphere in the spirit in the public square.
I hope this opens up the way for a major rally next year to speak to the nation before any plebiscite on SSM. This is a winnable issue in the Lord who does not want us to surrender the nation to legalised sodomy and loss of freedoms.
Cost wise the I understand the national rally budget was around $15K and in Melbourne we took up an offering, in a very low key way, that raised around $3.5K, covering local costs and contributing to the national budget.
Thank you Lord and a big thanks to our organisers, Terry Hall, Ray Moran, Vicki Janson... and our magnificent prayer supporters.
Blessings to you,

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Church Urges Politicians For Religious Equal Rights

The issue of the upcoming intake of Syrian refugees by the Australian Government, presents a terrifying prospect for our Country. Considering that ISIS just announced that they will send multitude of their fighters among the crowds of the refugees. Looking at the wave of the destruction and aggression which these people are sweeping European Countries, they do not seek peace and protection but rather want to destroy the country that welcomes them. I urge you to exercise great caution of the refugees coming to our Country.
Send this email to Colin Barnett

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OMI alert:Syrian refugee intake in Western Australia

The State Government has released details about the Syrian refugee intake in Western Australia, which are available

Western Australia is preparing to take approximately 1000 Syrian refugees after the Prime Minister announced Australian support for the relocation of up to 12,000 Syrian refugees to Australia.
The State Government is working closely with the Commonwealth Government, non-government organisations and others to ensure delivery of high-quality, culturally appropriate and inclusive services that ensure new arrivals are able to participate in Australian society as quickly as possible.
Local governments are also being consulted and have offered support.
Many offers of support are coming in and until more information is available it is premature to action these, but they are all being acknowledged and the details are being held for follow-up as appropriate (offers of support can be made by email to

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Visiting Priests

We were blessed by the presence of our beloved Father: Rev Fr. Sourial Youssef of St Mark Church, Preston, VIC. Blessed us with his service at the holy liturgy on Sun. 20th of September, Also, Fr. Sourial will Bless us with his attendance the Annual Family Conference as well as during the feast of cross, May God bless his service.

High School Spiritual Weekend


Fr. Abram arranged High School Retreat at St Mary & Archangel Michael Church. The first retreat day was for Girls on Friday 18th of September, where Fr. Abram's talk was about Death and Life After Death. After that Fr. Abram had an open discussion with the girls about (Parties and Clubbing, Alcohol and Drugs, Sex and Relations, Social Media). And the Girls had been Awarded by Master Chef Australia.

And Fr. Sourial Also, joined this service for Boys on the second day Saturday 19th of September, where Fr. Sourial's talk was about Women Should Present Themselves. After that they had different activities like hymns, Vespers, Bible Study, Midnight Praises, Orban Baking, Liturgy and Open Discussion with Fr. Abram. The service was a Blessing for all.

Arabic Youth Meeting

Fr. Abram met with the Arabic Youth Leaders on Sunday 20th of Sept, where different topics have been discussed.

 Upcoming Events


1- Family Conference from 25 ~ 28th September

2- Primary Sunday School Outing
Primary Sunday School is organising an outing for their children on Saturday 3rd of October from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm, at Jungle Gym and Faulkner Park.
For more details, please contact your child Sunday School servants.

Tutoring Programs

St Mark School

Saint Mary and Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Church is proud to present to you the commencement of a tutoring program offered for students from Kindy to Year 12. Our tutoring program will provide assistance for the following subjects:
Math’s from Kindy-Year 12
English from Kindy-Year 9
Chemistry from Year 10-12
Human biology from Year 10-12
Physics from Year 10-12
Our tutoring program consists of tutors who are able to provide students with academic support. Tutoring lessons will be held at the church inside St. Demiana’s unit (venue maybe changed) every Saturday from 6-7pm. We would like to ask that the families of every student donate $5 every month, which will go towards stationary supplies for the students. If anyone is interested, there will be forms, which need to be filled out for each student in the family and handed to Mrs. Maggi Shihata along with the donation.

English for Adults 
In addition to our tutoring program for students from Kindy to Year 12, Mr. Peter Gellet has willingly volunteered to provide adults with English tutoring.
For more info, please contact 0432012836

MYOB Training
Mr. Michael Zacky has also offered to tutor anyone who would like assistance using the software program MYOB. 
For more info, please contact 0408867532


Database Update Campaign

Dear All Church Members,
Kindly note that the Church will have a campaign every week on Sunday after the holy liturgy to update the data and contacts for all church members.
Your cooperation will be much appreciated.


New Church Bus Service

Dear All Church Members,
Kindly note that the Church will have a new bus service for the families who attend St Mary Church from the Northern Suburbs for Saturdays and Sundays starting the 4th of  October. For more info, please contact Deacon Mina Shakir  0401 544 111. 


.New gift collection on display. please visit us

Sealing a deal that works in your favor.

9. What is and isn’t included?
“Be perfectly sure of what you are buying,”.  “Sometimes vendors might take away all the light fittings, Curtains or ornamental garden features… If they start taking stuff away, you could say, the price will have to go down. You don’t want to pay for something you’re not going to get!”

10. Don’t act too attached
If you are not emotionally attached to a property, tell the agents you have offers on other properties. “That may speed up the owner’s decision-making process,”. Also, asking, “What other properties do you have in this price range?” indicates that you are not desperate to buy this one property. And that might help bolster your negotiating position.”

11. Get help
Finally, if you don’t feel like you’ll do a good job of negotiating, think about paying someone else to do it for you. “Buyers’ agents are great if you don’t have the confidence to negotiate with sellers,”. “They will also do some market research and determine what they consider is a reasonable price to pay.”

Our newsletter reaches now more than 6000 people; including Decision Makers & leaders at the 3 level of government, Parliamentarians, Politicians, Church Leaders & Clergy, and Media, in more than 45 countries around the world. It reaches the following countries:
Algeria Germany Jordan New Zealand Syria
Australia Greece Kenya Nigeria Thailand
Austria India Kuwait Palestine Tunisia
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