The growing number of foreign terrorist fighters, especially young people, has been a wake-up call for the international community. We must continue to engage widely - across borders, generations and sectors within societies - to form a common front and send a strong response against the corrosive appeal of violent extremism.
Together with the 2015 OSCE Chairmanship of Serbia, I launched a campaign to send a unified message from the OSCE: we stand together as one against violent extremism. The #UnitedCVE campaign is spreading across social media channels, highlighting voices and actions within the OSCE and beyond.
The OSCE Youth Ambassadors recently rallied behind the campaign at a conference held in Belgrade by the OSCE Chairmanship. I am inspired by their support, as I hope you will be watching them speak up in the videos that you will find in this issue of the LINK newsletter.
Lamberto Zannier
OSCE Secretary General
VIDEO: Empowering young people against violent radicalization
Violent extremism fuels and drives terrorist radicalization and recruitment. In search of purpose and grappling with questions over identity and belonging, young people can be easy targets. Preventing young people from getting radicalized to violence requires actions to address the social, economic, political and other factors that are conducive to terrorism.
Watch our videos to hear the OSCE’s Youth Ambassadors explain why young people are particularly vulnerable, why giving youth a voice in society is crucial and how empowering youth can help them protect their peers and society at large from the scourge of violent extremism.
The videos were filmed during a two-day conference hosted by Serbia’s OSCE Chairmanship on 4-5 September 2015 in Belgrade. Check out the event page for photos and background information.
#UnitedCVE: OSCE United in countering violent extremism
We must all rise to the challenge of responding to the corrosive appeal of violent extremism by promoting tolerance, mutual respect, pluralism, inclusion, and cohesion. Join thousands of others to show that you’re united with the OSCE in countering violent extremism. Find out more about the campaign and download the poster here, and tag your posts on social media with the hashtag #UnitedCVE. Join the #UnitedCVE campaign.
OSCE Secretary General at the Leaders’ Summit on Countering ISIL and Violent Extremism
Zannier took part in the Leaders’ Summit on Countering ISIL and Violent Extremism hosted by President of the United States of America Barack Obama, on the margins of the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly. The OSCE has been actively involved in the White House Summit Process on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE), which was launched on 17-19 February 2015 in Washington D.C. Learn More
VIDEO: How Do We Counter Violent Extremism?
What are the factors driving violent extremism, and how can we effectively prevent terrorist radicalization? Watch our video
Unite and co-operate at all levels to counter terrorism
The OSCE must take a united approach, encouraging co-operation at all levels, and engaging youth and communities, to effectively counter terrorism and the phenomenon of foreign terrorist fighters, said Vuk Žugić, Chair of the OSCE Permanent Council as he concluded an OSCE-wide conference in July. Read More
Building Bridges
This Security Days event looked at how different levers and tools such as media, education, inter-religious and inter-cultural dialogue, and empowerment of women and youth – can effectively contribute to reducing tensions and turn vulnerable individuals away from radicalization. Watch the video and read the report.
Citizens Against Hate in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Incidents of vandalism and hate speech are fairly common in BiH, although violence between communities is rare. The Super Citizens initiative was established by the OSCE Mission to BiH in 2013 as a response to hate crimes and bias-motivated incidents. Together with the OSCE United in Countering Violent Extremism campaign, the Super Citizens initiative says ‘No’ to the intolerance and hatred that nurture terrorism as they fuel other forms of violence. Learn more about this initiative.
Women, terrorism and counter-terrorism
Women play crucial roles in families, communities, educational institutions, law enforcement agencies and the broader public sector - therefore they can bring important unique perspectives to understanding and countering violent extremism and terrorist radicalization. Learn More
Daily updates from the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine
To get a better understanding of the situation on the ground in Ukraine, read the daily updates provided for the public and the media by the teams of special monitors.
Reports from the Observer Mission at the Russian Checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk
Read weekly first-hand information from the team of OSCE observers on the situation at the border checkpoints.
Background: OSCE engagement with Ukraine
Learn more about OSCE responses to the crisis in and around Ukraine, ranging from high-level diplomacy and multilateral dialogue, addressing concerns over fundamental freedoms, human rights, through to monitoring, fact-finding and military visits.
OSCE Cafés bring OSCE officials together with people interested in security issues in an informal, social setting. They are a rare chance to sit down and converse face-to-face with the people doing the OSCE’s work. The event series kicked off in Vienna’s traditional Café Korb in July 2014 and is held in different cities in the OSCE region.
Coming up, OSCE Cafés in Ukraine:
- 21 October 2015: Lviv
- 22 October 2015: Vinnytsia
- 23 October 2015: Odessa
For information about dates, venues and registration please contact:oscecafe@osce.org.