Writing a Spiritual Contract....Does God Negotiate??
Negotiate with God? I am not one to get down on my knees and beg for God or the Universe to deliver me from whatever mess I have gotten myself into. This type of negotiation I am talking about is not one made out of desperation, it is one carefully crafted, thoughtfully written and is a way to strike a contract to be of service to spirit while attending to some of the mundane 3D issues we still have to deal with in this reality.
After I lost my high profile corporate job, I was just that…lost. Even understanding the bigger picture of why the universe would suddenly pluck me out of a situation, my ego was still bruised. I let the car, travel, money, and all the other trappings of the job define me, so when it was gone I felt like I had no identity.
As an ageing boomer, going back into the job force did not seem like a viable option,so I had to create some sort of business. But I had no idea what I was going to do, who I could sell that unidentified service to or how on earth I could ever eek out a living doing it, whatever the heck “it” was. The corporate arena gave me people to create and work with, clear boundaries of a project, an identifiable target market and a paycheck that arrived without thinking about it. During this very confusing and dark time as I was dreading going to an event where people invariably would ask me , “what do you do?” my guides glibly said, “Tell them you work for spirit.” At first I laughed, but in reality I knew it was true.
All my life, even when I was in a corporate job, I knew my purpose was to help others. Suddenly that didn’t seem so far off the mark. When I was fired from my executive job, I vowed there had to be a kinder gentler way to do business, maybe that was a direction to look. But I was still faced with the lack of details of how to fulfill that destiny.
It was time to go back to basics. I would never have taken a job without a contract, so that seemed like the logical place to begin. In the past in the job force, often I didn’t know all the particulars,
just a fairly broad job description of the duties along with the benefits the company would provide. Benefits?? Could I actually have benefits from spirit? I decided it was time to draw up a contract; to agree in broad terms to what I would be doing and be so bold as to outline what I wanted in return. Here is an example:
I agree to be a conduit, to allow spirit to work through me for the benefit of others to facilitate their awakening and healing. In time it will be revealed to me the exact details of how to do that and what I will be doing, for I know spirit will use me in the best way possible to assist others. In exchange for this service, I ask that the people I am supposed to work with be drawn to me, that if training is needed it will come easily and present itself, that I will be paid in exchange for this work handsomely, so finances are never an issue. I ask that I have the willingness, trust and fortitude to listen to the call and recognize it when it is given. And ask that whatever I need be given to me in a way I understand it is the next step in the process.
Afterwards I signed and dated the contract, thankfully no notary was required and filed it away. That was an important step in my process, because I communicated with spirit that I was ready to do the work. I left it open ended enough to allow a wide variety of vocations, modalities or directions to come in under that umbrella. Keep the details broad enough to enable many things to manifest.
Developing a spiritual contract is a way to claim your spot in whatever it is you will be doing, it sets the intention and begins to develop the matrix where the desired goal will fill in. And yes it is ok to set parameters in what you would like in exchange.
There has been a long held belief in the spiritual community that if you were doing transformational work, it was all one sided. How dare we ask for anything in return for healing or helping others! Hear me now all you heart-centered entrepreneurs….you deserve to be paid for the services you provide!! A spiritual contract is a great way to formalize that agreement and lets the universe know you are ready to serve, no matter how that looks.
Spiritual contracts can be used in whatever business you are in. When I was in corporate my spiritual contract read as follows:
I agree to be a conduit for spirit to work through me to help others facilitate their growth, awareness and healing. In exchange I ask that these people be drawn to me and become my clients. I ask that they purchase enough goods and services to allow us to engage in a meaningful relationship and to keep my company satisfied with quotas and sales figures to offset the time and effort spent with them. I ask that this all occur easily and effortlessly.
Obviously things shift and your focus or business will change as the matrix you created begins to materialize. Check back every six months or so to see if your contract is still relevant or does it need to be tweaked.
What is your answer to the title’s question "Does God Negotiate?” My answer was yes, through a spiritual contract. Creating this document allows you to intend, agree and develop a construct in which to serve and in exchange you are asking for the things that will make that service possible and make you feel more comfortable doing it. Try it and let me know how it works for you.