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Strata News & Information

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Welcome everyone to this edition of Strata News. 

Our latest Poll results are in - read the post below to find out how short term lettings are affecting your apartment buildings: Are there short term let apartments in your building?

Strata Questions: we have had an increase in the amount of strata questions coming in from members - which is fantastic! We do our very best to help when and where we can. Unfortunately, sometime we do not have the resources available. We have been creating blog posts out of the most interesting questions so everyone can benefit from the answers. We hope you enjoy these posts. We also have a best quick question of the week mentioned below - about "No junk mail" stickers on letterboxes.

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lift contracts

NSW: Pushing the Right Buttons - Lift Contracts for Strata Schemes

David Bannerman and Tony Earls, Bannermans Lawyers
Lifts & escalator refurbishments & upgrades are amongst the largest items of expenditure that owners in strata schemes commission.  Yet such works are excluded from the consumer protection provisions of the Home Building Act (NSW) 1989.

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Poll: short term lets

Poll: Are there short term let apartments in your building?

Our recently poll asked about short term let apartments in your scheme - where they happening and if so, how was it affecting the building and the community?

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Best Quick Question of the Week

This week were asked about "No Junk Mail" stickers on letterboxes. The Q&A can be read in the comments section of this post: Common Property Letterboxes, CCTV Cameras and Letterbox Theft. Thanks Michael Pobi for providing the response!
buying strata

Why is a Strata Inspection Report so important if I am considering buying a Unit, Apartment, townhouse villa or commercial property within a Strata Scheme?

Paul Mulligan, Find Our Home
Buying into a Strata Scheme may be one of biggest financial decisions that you may make! Why is a strata inspector report an important part of the process?
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storage entitlements

NSW: Proxy voting, storage units and unit entitlements. Do they count as legal votes?

Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
In this building, storage units hold unit entitlements. Then what happens in a meeting - does the vote of a storage unit equal that of an apartment?

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Interesting Discussion

We have been having an interesting discussion this week in our LinkedIn group about the use of Sniffer Dogs for detecting drugs in apartments. If you would like to read more, or contribute, click here
EC Liability

Office Bearers Liability – An option or a must have?

Lia de Sousa, Whitbread Insurance Brokers
Office Bearers Insurance is an important cover designed to provide protection to the Owners Corporation committee members against losses arising from alleged wrongful acts committed in the course of carrying out their duties as a committee.

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Sinking fund

NSW: Is There Enough In The Sinking Fund?

Paula Byrnes, Metropolitan Strata Reports
How about the sinking fund plan? Dig deeper than the sinking fund balance when buying a new strata property, as a big balance does not always tick boxes.
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Parking bylaw

NSW: Free car parking: Tribunal upholds exclusive use car parking by-law

Carlo Fini, Nexus Lawyers
Croyden & Anderson v The Owners – Strata Plan No 1583 demonstrates that an exclusive use car parking bylaw can be hard to repeal.
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Management rights

QLD: What determines the Maximum length for Management Rights Agreement terms?

Lisa Rutland, and
Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal

When it comes to determining the length of management rights agreement terms, like most things in strata, it can be quite complicated.
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Strata Fences

NSW: Dividing Fences - the who, what and when

Allison Benson, Kerin Benson Lawyers
Dividing Fences Act 1991 (NSW) applies to all “dividing fences” but not to a common property fence dividing two lots within the strata scheme or a common property fence dividing a lot and the common property.
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News story of the week

parking compromise

Brisbane, Sydney units at peak pricing on October HTW property clock

Michael Crawford, Property Observer
Apartments in Brisbane, Sydney and The Whitsundays are in the peak of the market, according to the Herron Todd White October 2015 property clock.


Strata Nightmares

A Current Affair
Soaring house prices mean more Australians are living in apartments. But there are plenty of hidden traps, for both buyers and renters, that often leave families frustrated and angry.

Multiple class actions brewing against ‘sunset clawback’ developers

Sue Williams, Domain
Hundreds of off-the-plan purchasers across Sydney – who paid deposits two to three years ago – have had their contracts torn up and apartments placed back onto the market.

These ingenious tiny homes move with you from city to city

Matt Johnson, Business Inside Australia
This company, Kasita, is working towards building a network of tiny homes (and buildings to store them in) that can seamlessly move from city to city. Here’s how they work.

Public Feedback Sought
Adequacy of the regulation of short-term holiday letting in New South Wales (Inquiry)

This inquiry is a current Legislative Assembly inquiry conducted by the Environment and Planning Committee.

The inquiry was established to inquire into the adequacy of the regulation of short-term holiday letting in New South Wales.

If you would like to prepare a submission about short-term lets, you have until 9 November to submit your thoughts.

See this Parliament of New South Wales page for details: Adequacy of the regulation of short-term holiday letting in New South Wales (Inquiry).

OCT 17:
Downsize With Style (NSW): Part 2: Find Your Style

OCT 20:
SCA (WA): Lot Owners Forum

OCT 21:
SCA (WA): Occupational Health and Safety

OCT 27:

City of Sydney: Strata Skills 101 – The New Executive Committee Member: Individual need or the collective good?

OCT 30:
SCA (ACT) 2015 Whitbread Strata Community Awards

OCT 31:
Downsize with Style (NSW): Masterclass

Nov 2:

NSW Fair Trading: Residential Strata Schemes Information Session (Port Macquarie)

Visit our Strata Events Page

The most read article from our last newsletter?

short term

The Short-Term Letting Stoush

Andrew Suttie, Nicholsons Solicitors, a member of the Hunt and Hunt legal group
Private short term letting in residential apartments is becoming more prevalent. What impact does it have on body corporates & what power do they have to stop it?

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Breaking News

For the most comprehensive stream of strata news in Australia - follow us on Twitter.

Strata living is full of nasty surprises Domain

World’s Highest Observation Decks Sourceable

NSW: Airbnb is disrupting the peace for residents of strata buildings Domain

QLD:  How A Body Corporate Budget is Set and Changed

VIC: Homes for those who like to roam – with $$Mill price tags Domain

Elderly couple refuse to sell as developers lay claim on McKinnon cul-de-sac Domain

High-rise bans to aid air ambulance access to hospital helipads Herald Sun

Queensland Waters Down ‘Off the Plan’ Protection Laws - See more at:
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