The Winfrey Family on Mission to Ecuador - October 2015
Our Prayer Cards - We Would Be Glad to Send You One in the Mail

Ministry Update

God has provided multiple opportunities this month for us to share about our calling to Ecuador through Reaching and Teaching.  In addition to meeting with several individuals, God has also blessed me with the privilege of speaking at Camp Nathanael, near Hazard, Kentucky, October 16th-17th.  Our dear friend, Josh Feltner, who helps to lead Camp Nathanael, has invited me to share about our calling as missionaries to many students from the surrounding counties.  We are so thankful that the camp will be taking up a missions offering and donating the proceeds to Reaching and Teaching for our mission to Ecuador!
Camp Nathanael
It is such an honor to be used of God to emphasize the importance of reaching the nations with the gospel to these young hearts in the hope that many will begin to desire that their own lives would also be used to take the hope of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.

I am also looking forward to visiting Jackson, Mississippi October 22-29th.  Another great friend of ours, Chris Cunningham, has arranged for me to speak at his church, FBC Florence, as well as other churches in the area.  I am grateful to have a brother in Christ like Chris who is willing to house me, feed me, and drive me around for a week so that others may partner with us in reaching and teaching the nations!  

We currently have nearly 60% of our monthly budget needs pledged. Our next goal is to be 75% funded by the end of this month. If God is leading you to partner with us, then please email us at, and we will set up a time to meet or to talk on the phone in order that we may provide you with more details about our calling to take the gospel to Ecuador.  You may also begin giving online by scrolling to the bottom of this newsletter and clicking the "Click Here to Give Online" button.  Thank you to all who are currently giving and all who are praying about joining our team as Great Commission Senders.    

Adoption Update

Waverly Video
Video of Waverly in her orphanage in Ethiopia

Heather posted an excellent blog post last week that we would like to share with you all: 

As I sit and fill out another grant for our adoption, I am reminded that we are nearing the end of the first leg of our adoption.  We anticipate that we could just be weeks away from finally meeting, holding, kissing and talking to Waverly not just talking about her.  Just like a biological mom forgets the birth pains that she has endured soon after giving birth, I expect that the years of waiting, praying, mounds of paperwork and money, tears, and hoops we have jumped through will soon be just a faint memory when compared to the joy of holding our daughter and bringing her home to her forever family.


So too it is with the Christian race.  There are days, even seasons, where my heart aches and struggles with the daily grind of the Christian walk.  Even so we continue on for we know that this is not our home. Though for a short time we must battle against the sin in the world and that in our own hearts we know that One has come who has defeated and will finally defeat sin and death.


"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumberance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of faith, who for the joy set before Him edured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:1-2    


Waverly, just like God did not leave us as orphans but endured the cross and rose again defeating death for all those who would turn from their sins and trust in Him, your Mommy and Daddy will not leave you as an orphan.  We WILL come to you. (John 14:18) 

Prayer Requests

  • Thank you to everyone who has faithfully prayed for me throughout my Ph.D. application/interview process.  I recently received my official acceptance into the program where I will pursue a Ph.D. in Christian Missions with Dr. Sills as my advisor.  It is a tremendous blessing to have Dr. Sills not only as my leader with RTIM, but to have him consistently visiting Ecuador will mean that I can meet with him about our mission work and my research work in the doctoral program.  God is good!
  • Continue to pray that the Lord would give us patience as we wait to travel to Ethiopia to get Waverly.  We could get the call any day now to go get her and we can't wait!
  • There are actually two churches - Harvest Baptist Church (Josh Feltner's church) and South Elkhorn Baptist Church (my home church growing up in Lexington) - meeting tonight (Oct 7) to decide whether or not to support this ministry, and/or how much to pledge. Please pray that God would give these churches wisdom in how to best use the resources He has provided them for the furtherance of His Kingdom.
  • Pray that the Lord will give us grace to continue to rely on Him throughout this support raising process as we seek to continue to persevere for the remainder of our needed financial support.  
Jimmy Winfrey
All of God's people going into all the world, faithfully obeying all of the Great Commission.

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