News Release - Country Wives & Daughters of the Country
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NEWS RELEASE - For Immediate Release
Country Wives & Daughters of the Country: Métis Women of This Land Opens at Affinity Gallery

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The Saskatchewan Craft Council (SCC) is pleased to present Country Wives & Daughters of the Country: Métis Women of this Land, an exhibition of work from visual artist Leah Marie Dorion which opens October 23.
In this exhibition of paintings, Leah Dorion recognizes and acknowledges Métis Women’s relationship with the land. With bright, saturated paint and mixed media, Dorion creates colourful, hopeful pieces  Ì¶  rife with symbolism and meaning. The sense of history and cultural legacy is strong. Dorion has dedicated each painting to a Métis woman, naming her and addressing her presence in Canadian history. The result is a powerful experience; a remembering of lost or unacknowledged names, and a desire to honour the rich lineage of Métis women in Canada.
Dorion states:
"Until recently the role of Métis women in Canadian history remained generally unacknowledged by our collective society... This art show is a celebration of Métis women and provides contemporary representations of women’s traditional roles in historic Métis society. Recognizing our shared past is an important way to give cultural continuity, identity, and knowledge to forthcoming generations of children."
Exhibition Dates: October 23 to December 5
Reception: Friday, October 30, 7 - 9pm
Artist Talk: Saturday, November 7, 2 pm
For further information, to arrange an interview, or for high resolution images, please contact:

Leslie Potter & Maia Stark, Exhibitions & Education Coordinators
Saskatchewan Craft Council
813 Broadway Avenue
Saskatoon, SK S7N 1B5
Phone: (306) 653-3616 ext. 2

The Saskatchewan Craft Council gratefully acknowledges the support of
"Offer Tobacco to Nohkom" by Leah Marie Dorion
"Michif Women Packers" by Leah Marie Dorion
Copyright © 2015 Saskatchewan Craft Council, All rights reserved.

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