October: Join us in Detroit for the 12th Annual Native Gathering in Detroit, Michigan.
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October 2015 Newsletter

Training from Oweesta

Upcoming Trainings

Upcoming Webinars

CDFI Fund presents:
Using Market Analysis for Expansion
October 27 at 12p.m. MT
Registration is now OPEN

Native CDFI Network presents:
Successful Native CDFI Policy Strategies
October 29 at 2p.m. MT
Registration is now OPEN

Oweesta presents:
Mini Webinar: Preparing for Your Discussion with a Funder
October 30 at 12:00-12:30p.m. MT
Registration is now OPEN

Oweesta presents:
Listening Session: Native Convening Feedback
November 24 at 1:00p.m. MT
Registration is now OPEN

CDFI Fund presents:
Expansion Strategies for Growth, Part Two: Technology, People, Culture, and Leading Organizational Change
November 17 at 12p.m. MT
Registration is now OPEN

BIA Presents presents:
Overview of BIA's Tribal Climate Adaptation Awards Process
November 10 at 11a.m. MT
Registration is now OPEN

National Conference

Opportunity Finance Network presents:
2015 OFN Conference
November 9-12, 2015
Detroit, Michgian
Registration is now OPEN



Oweesta's October Webinar

Nervous about the Native Funders Speed Dating Session at the 2015 Opportunity Finance Network Conference? Oweesta is hosting a 30-minute Preparing for Your Discussion with a Funder mini-webinar on October 30th at 12pm MT. In the first 5 minutes, you will learn the basics of an elevator speech, followed by a panel discussion with Native CDFI professionals on topics to prepare for your conversation with a potential funder! Register TODAY!

If you are unable to make our webinars, you can find all past recorded webinars organized by topic in the Online Help Desk section of our website.


Building Native Communities Trainings

Flagstaff, Arizona

Oweesta held a training in partnership with Native Learning Center in Flagstaff, Arizona on September 9-11, 2015. At that training, we certified 17 new trainers! One participant stated, "This training was very informative and prepared me to conduct the trainings effectively. I can't wait to train on this curriculum!"

Lewiston, Idaho

September 15-17, 2015, Oweesta held a Train-the-Trainer in Lewiston, Idaho in partnership with NiMiiPuu Community Development Fund. At this training, we certified 12 new trainers. We were very excited to work with the new Executive Director, Joni Kelly, and look forward to working with NiMiiPuu Community Development Fund in the future.

Congratulations to all the newly certified trainers! Stay tuned for more information on our upcoming trainings!

Success Story

Pauline Matt prepares a batch of deep healing skin salve in her home outside Browning. The salbes are a result of two years of gathering, drying, extracting and blending plants.
Photo courtesy of Montana Native News Project.


Native American Community Development Corporation
Success Story

Thank you NACDC for the financial help and making it possible to follow this dream. I'll share a bit of my story so others may learn how to start a small business. I worked intently with a local artist (Gerald Trombley) to draw the small girl in each tin. This drawing came to my mind as an inspiration to write a children's book. But in time I decided to use the drawings to add an additional line to my "All Natural Herbal" business. "Red Root Herbs". With this in mind I chose to purchase a small round tin to hold a new line of products. Mind you, I had begun by spending hours and days searching for companies who offered quality and price efficient products that I could financially afford. I tried my best to hire our local people as well as utilize American made products. However this was not always possible to start this small business, so I searched the world on the internet.

To read more of this story, please follow the link below.

Donation Request

Donations for Awards Gift Bags

Do you have cool promotional items? Innovative annual report? Interesting impact study? Share them with the field at the 10th Annual Native Awards in our giveaway bags! We are asking for donations of marketing materials from partnering organizations to highlight at our event. By donating marketing materials, you will be recognized as an event marketing sponsor at the awards ceremony. At the event, each attendee will receive a gift bag with your promotional materials. For more information on this amazing marketing opportunity, please email Stephanie Cote at If you are interested in donating, please mail your marketing materials to 2432 Main Street, Longmont, CO 80501.


News from the Oweesta Office

Join Team Oweesta as Chief Financial Officer!

Oweesta is hiring a Chief Financial Officer (CFO). The CFO is responsible for all financial matters of Oweesta. The CFO will report to and work closely with the executive director. In addition, s/he will partner with the senior leadership and the board of directors to develop and implement strategies across the organization. The CFO will oversee all compliance and recognition for government (federal and state) contracts and private grants. S/he must be able to adapt to the continually evolving environment and thrive in an autonomous and deadline-oriented workplace while managing finance staff. For more information, please follow the link below.

12th Annual Native Convening

Register TODAY for the 12th Annual Native Convening November 9-12, 2015 in Detroit, Michigan at the Opportunity Finance Network Conference. This annual event is a catalyst for learning and sharing for Native CDFIs. It is a multi-opart event consisting of a pre-conference Native Gathering day, a Native Track of sessions at the OFN Annual Conference, and an awards ceremony honoring the work of one innovative Native CDFI organization and one visionary leader within the Native CDFI industry.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn, share, and network!



Oweesta was honored to be a part of First Nations Development Institute's 20th Annual L.E.A.D. Conference, in Santa Fe, New Mexico celebrating First Nations Development Institute's 35th year of giving in Indian Country. This year's conference offered sessions around "Empowering Native Youth Through Asset-Building", "Strengthening Tribal & Community Institutions", and "Nourishing Native Foods & Health". Stay tuned for information on the 21st Annual L.E.A.D. Institute Conference!


Oweesta is pleased to spread the word for our partners at CFED on their latest campaign "#WhatHomeLooksLike" for the 2015 I'M HOME Conference, October 26th-28th in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

For millions of low-income Americans, including many of the clients you serve and families you represent, manufactured housing (MH) presents the opportunity for affordable homeownership. However, because of outdated titling laws, manufactured homes aren’t eligible for mortgage loans. That means that buyers don’t build equity in their homes and are often forced to use expensive chattel financing options. States have resisted titling reform that would make manufactured homeownership more affordable, though, in part because many people still think of manufactured homes as the decrepit trailers of the 1950s, 60 and 70s.

But manufactured homes have come a long way since then, with newer models featuring quality construction and high-end amenities. That’s why I’M HOME is announcing a photo campaign to highlight today’s high-quality homes and show lawmakers why manufactured housing deserves the same treatment as site-built homes. We are asking owners of manufactured homes to take photos of the modern amenities and special features of their houses and share them on Facebook, tagging CFED and using the hashtag #WhatHomeLooksLike.

For more information, please follow the link below.


**Call for Board Nominations**
Deadline Extended

Native CDFI Network is seeking nominations for their Board of Directors. If you or someone you know wants to lead a dynamic network of Native CDFIs, get yoru nominations in by Friday, November 23rd!

They encourage members to nominate individuals who are committed to advancing the Native CDFI Network's mission. Please send nominations for board members and provide a brief statement of interest, qualification, and biography (no more than 250 words) to Kim Page at


Job Opportunities

First Nations Development Institute (First Nations) is seeking qualified candidates for two positions to be located at First Nations' headquarters in Longmont, Colorado. The positions are Senior Program Officer and Program Officer.

The Senior Program Officer’s primary responsibility is to provide oversight and implementation of First Nations projects that may include, but are not limited to, designing evaluation plans; developing work plans; organizing and planning convenings and meetings; drafting grant reports; working with grantees under a variety of grant programs; providing and conducting technical assistance to First Nations' grantees; managing project consultants; overseeing project financials; and monitoring incoming progress reports. The Senior Program Officer may work in close collaboration with other First Nations Senior Program Officers, the finance department to ensure accurate accounting for grant-related income and expenditures, and First Nations’ Development staff.

The Program Officer’s primary responsibility is to assist in the administration and implementation of First Nations projects that may include, but are not limited to, organizing and planning convenings and meetings; drafting grant reports; working with grantees under a variety of grant programs; and planning and conducting training sessions. This position is often required to work within the specified parameters of grant-funded projects. The Program Officer may work in close collaboration with other First Nations Program Officers or Senior Program Officers, and the finance department to ensure accurate accounting for grant-related income and expenditures.

For more information, please follow the link below!


Policy Advocacy

Join Native CDFI Network for the 7th Annua Native CDFI Network Member Gathering from 3:00-6:00pm Eastern Time in Detroit, Michigan following the Native Gathering Day.  The Native CDFI Netowrk will hold their annual meeting and elections for their Board of Directors. To cap off this year's gathering, they are hosting a special members-only event, the Chairman's Reception. Follow the link below for more information and registration information.

Upcoming Events

Opportunity Finance Network is hosting their 2015 Annual Conference Opportunity. Made in America November 9-12th in Detroit, Michigan.

Registration is open now!


Registration is open now!


Registration is open now!


Spending Frenzy: NOW AVAILABLE!

First Nations Development Institute's "Spending Frenzy" kits are now available for purchase. Spending Frenzy kits were developed to offer youth with large impending minor's trust payments an opportunity to practice handling a substantial lump sum of money and spending it wisely. In the simulation, high school students are given $40,000 in fake money and are asked to make spending decisions to purchase a car, a house, groceries, and other items. For more information, please contact Chris Hansen at


Products & Services Guide

Oweesta offers state-of-the-art financial institution capacity building and training programs, meeting all of your CDFI needs. Check out our Products & Services Guide and see how Oweesta can be of service to you!
