We've had a busy fall at GFF
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Visiting Makerere University in Uganda was a fantastic experience, not just to see the projects unfold but to learn from our friends Jane Namatuvo (Dept Head, Family Medicine) and Innocent Besigye (Program Director, pictured here on the left).

We met Moses Batwala and Lillian Mukisa, two residents studying Family Medicine that believe in equitable access and patient-centered care. Inspiring! Both students need tuition and research funding support, and we are also hoping to help rebuild the student accommodation at their rural training site.
We’d like to congratulate one of our very own, Farah Ladak, a member of GFF for over three years, on being selected as a recipient of the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame award for the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary. This prestigious award recognizes aspiring physicians for their tremendous commitment and contribution to community and their innovative and inspiring leadership capacity. Congratulations! 
Thanks to Christie Kim, a GFF volunteer and student at Calgary's College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. Christie is a yoga teacher, who will be leading the practice along with two others, and they will be holding yoga classes twice a week at the school with proceeds going to GFF. Their goal:
to connect Eastern and Western Medicine through
sharing their passion for humanity and medicine.

Christine recently traveled with Professor Bob Woollard from UBC to the last East Africa Family Medicine Initiative (EAFMI) meeting. This was held at the Patient-Centered Care conference in Nairobi, Kenya. The EAFMI has been facilitated with GFF funding for its first four years, but has now been taken over by local leadership who have created the College of Family Physicians of Eastern and Central Africa. What an incredible feat!

Congratulations to all of our colleagues from Kenya (Max Lodenyo, third from left), Uganda (Vincent Mubangizi, second from left), Tanzania, and Rwanda (Theoneste Rubanzabigwi, most left) who have been on this journey from the start.

Nepal needs your support more than ever

You've been generous since the earthquakes in April, but they have now been suffering food and fuel shortages that have made their situation worse. The Patan Hospital and medical school have been paying for food and medicine for patients who cannot afford it. Please consider contributing through our next fundraiser put on with UofC medical school, or by clicking here to donate directly. All funds designated to Nepal go straight to the Patan medical school and hospital and are tax-deductible through GFF at Canada Helps.

The Cumming School of Medicine Global Health Interest Group and medical students from the student-run clinic for homeless Calgarians are hosting the Rich Man, Poor Man dinner THIS Saturday, November 7th. Proceeds go to their clinic, Alpha House's DOAP team, and the Patan Hospital in Nepal through GFF. You can purchase tickets here.

Canadian visitors tour Amp Pipal rural hospital with PAHS staff and students
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