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Strata News & Information

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Welcome everyone to this edition of Strata News, now going out to over 1000 subscribers each week. 

Our new poll topic for the week is based on Andrew Suttie's article: The Short-term Letting Stoush listed below. How does short term letting affect your strata scheme? Let us know if the following poll.

Poll Question

Is short term letting happening in your building?

No - definitely not. I know this for certain.

As far as I am aware it is not happening.

It has happened in the past but we have successfully stopped it.

Yes, I know for certain because I use my own apartment as a short term let.

Yes, at least one owner uses their apartment as a short term let and I have no issues. It causes no problems in the building.

Yes! And it is making our life hell! HELP!

Please participate in this survey. Look out for the results in next week's newsletter.

Reminder: PDFs are now available for the majority of our blog articles. Simply log into your LookUpStrata account to access the PDF file (located at the bottom of the article). Please note - even though you subscribe to our newsletter, you may not be a LookUpStrata member. Please register. For help either accessing your account or registering, drop me a line:

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We are keen to talk with people who are interested in contributing quality strata articles to our blog.
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Electronic vote

Letters of Demand - Don’t sweep it under the carpet

Renee Cassidy, Whitbread Insurance Brokers
When it comes to letters of demand, take it from us - no matter how far-fetched the claim seems, whether you believe it happened or not, never ignore it!

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short term lets

The Short-Term Letting Stoush

Andrew Suttie of Nicholsons Solicitors,
a member of the Hunt and Hunt legal group.

Private short term letting in residential apartments is becoming more prevalent. What impact does it have on body corporates & what power do they have to stop it?

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strata inspection company

The Pitfalls of Engaging an inexperienced Strata Inspector

Paul Mulligan, Find Our Home
Before you organise a strata report, do some research into the background of the strata inspection company. Choosing an inexperienced, uninsured strata inspector could cost you $10,000’s to $100,000 of dollars.
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Developer insurance

Developer asks: does building insurance cover appliances and electrical items during the build?

LookUpStrata &
Whitbread Insurance Brokers

Q&A: Building Insurance - what does it cover prior to occupancy? How about appliances & electrical items. See what Whitbread Insurance Brokers have to say.

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developers defects bond

Proposal for NSW Developers to pay a Bond for defects in new Residential Apartments

Pierrette Khoury, Turnbull Bowles Lawyers
State Government is seeking to implement a 2 percent NSW developers defects bond on new apartment blocks. The idea behind the bond is to act as a security fund to ensure building defects can be fixed by developers.

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common property leases

VIC: Common Property Leases and Licences – Legal Checklist

Nicole Wilde, Tisher Liner FC Law
In order to validly grant common property leases, the Owners Corporation must pass a special resolution. Have you thought about all the items which need to be considered?
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Hiding files

NSW: Can Owners Corporations really hide files to cover up serious issues in the building?

Paula Byrnes, Metropolitan Strata Reports
I did an inspection of an apartment building on the Northern Beaches. Looking at it from the outside, it can only be described as bespoke and luxurious … ah, but never judge a book by its cover!!
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terminate management rights

QLD: Another failed attempt to terminate a management rights agreement

Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
To terminate a management rights agreement the conduct complained of must be relatively serious. Bring termination proceedings for minor or technical matters at your own peril.
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NSW: What Can You Do When The Developer Retains Control Of Your Strata Building?

David Bannerman, Bannermans Lawyers
Can appointment of section 162 strata managers bring balance back to a strata building where the developer retains control after occupation of the building?
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News story of the week

bulk sale for developers

NSW: Super lot selling: How to turn a $2 million home into a $10 million windfall
CONSOLIDATING to sell: It’s when good neighbours become instant millionaires. A group of nine homeowners in a quiet suburban street on Sydney’s north shore have pocketed an average of $7.3 million each after joining forces to sell up.

Position Available:
Strata Manager
Leederville, WA

  • A progressive portfolio model and processes
  • Supportive environment
  • Attractive remuneration
  • Work life balance
  • Part of a recognized and highly regarded brand
  • Central office location
  • Coaching and training
Apply Now

NSW: Public Feedback Sought on Off the Plan Sunset Clauses

The NSW Government is conducting a survey to seek your feedback about off the plan property sales and assess the issues related to this type of property sale in NSW.

If you would like to take part in this survey a
bout buying and selling property off the plan, you have until 14 October to submit your thoughts.

See this media release or find out more on the NSW Fair Trading page.

OCT 7:
O’Brien Glass (NSW): Security Solution Demonstrations

OCT 13:
O’Brien Glass (NSW): Security Solution Demonstrations

NSW Fair Trading: Residential Strata Schemes Information Seminar (Bexley)

OCT 17:
Downsize With Style (NSW): Part 2: Find Your Style

OCT 20:
SCA (WA): Lot Owners Forum

OCT 21:
SCA (WA): Occupational Health and Safety

OCT 30:

SCA (ACT) 2015 Whitbread Strata Community Awards

OCT 31:
Downsize with Style (NSW): Masterclass

Visit our Strata Events Page

The most read article from our last newsletter?

electronic voting

The Case for Electronic Voting

Dee Pannell, Strata Vote
Will electronic voting reduce owner apathy and reduce quorum issues? We look at some of the benefits of introducing electronic voting at your scheme.

Read more

Breaking News

For the most comprehensive stream of strata news in Australia - follow us on Twitter.

Small strata buildings where managers act with impunity Domain

Inside The Edge: The World’s Smartest Building The Urban Developer

A Major Development Is Being Built Next Door. Should I Worry? Sourceable

Ten ways you know you bought or rented a unit in a good block Domain

What Makes Great Apartment Interior Design? The Urban Developer

Australia’s Skyline is Rapidly Changing Sourceable

Family-friendly apartment blocks the way of the future Domain

NSW: Record apartment approvals for New South Wales The Urban Developer

$520 Million Development At Sydney’s Central Park Receives Green Light The Urban Developer

QLD:  Property gurus warn of Gold Coast development outpacing demand as investors skew market Gold Coast Bulletin

VIC: Melbourne pulls ahead in the capital growth race Ledger Gazette

NT: Man faces up to 10 yrs jail if found guilty of throwing steel bin off balcony of 25th-floor Darwin apartment ABC News


NZ: Sniffer dogs are being used to scour city apartment blocks for drugs NZ Herald

Queensland Waters Down ‘Off the Plan’ Protection Laws - See more at:
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