“Oh you Pharisees! Although you cleanse the outside of the cup and the dish, inside you are filled with plunder and evil.”
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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Above: Moses receives the law, stained glass detail from Exeter College, Oxford, UK. Photo by Father Lawrence Lew, O.P.

What is the purpose of the Law? It serves as the means by which we sanctify our daily activity—our eating and drinking, our work, our prayers, our rest, and our relationships (with strangers, business associates, friends, and family). Through the Law, the Lord is invited to be present in every aspect of our lives, to transform it with His Truth, His Light, His way of loving and being, made present in our way of loving and being.

Jewish ritual washing before meals provided the opportunity for individuals briefly but honestly to make an examination of conscience, to repent, and to ask the Lord at the washing of their hands, “Lord, wash away my iniquity and cleanse me of my sin.” Only then would they consider themselves prepared to partake of the bounty of the Lord, the food given to them that nourished and sustained their life.

The Pharisees had forgotten the internal disposition and transformation the Law was intended to create, and they prided themselves on the mere external observance of the Law, considering themselves righteous and superior to others by virtue of that perfect observance.

Jesus comes to disturb the Pharisees in their complacency, to call them back to their foundational vocation—not to be teachers, scholars, or observers of the Law, but to be holy by their love for others, giving the alms of patience, generosity, compassion, forgiveness, and mercy, and giving these to the poorest, those they most dislike or find difficult.

Saint Dominic did this very thing, always clothed in the heavenly robe of true charity. Thus it was said of him: “The love of Dominic embraced everyone, and so he was loved by all.” May St. Dominic obtain for us the grace to be interiorly transformed by the Word of God.

St. Dominic, clothed in heavenly robes, pray for us.

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