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CENSORSHIP DEBATE: Speaking up for our children
Hi <<First Name(s)>>

Family First was on both TVOne Breakfast this morning and also Radio NZ Morning Report, debating the issue of age-appropriate standards for what our children and young people watch and read. Click the image below to watch the short interview.

Ted Dawe's earlier interview is HERE.
The Radio NZ interview can be heard HERE.

What is most interesting is that neither TVNZ or Radio NZ would allow me to read excerpts of the book on air, because they have standards, and that's a good thing! But apparently it's ok for our children to read. 

A couple of emails we have received...
Please continue to fight for the re categorization of the book Into the River. I bought this book for my 12 year old daughter because it won the "Childrens" book award. Thank goodness for the news item on TV one last night. I immediately read the book myself and wouldn't want her to read it until she was at least 18! Thank you for all your good work in supporting New Zealand families.

Just wanted to say ... We Love your work! You are the voice in the wilderness! You are common sense! Keep going, we all feel a little secure knowing someone like you is out there trying to get our voices heard!

and from the Newstalk ZB website
Keep up the fight Family First the majority of NZers with common sense support you .. We the majority dont want RUBBISH books like into the river s available for our vulnerable young !!

and a couple of emails we received after we warned families about the Boobs on Bikes parade in central Auckland during the school holidays...

Thank you so much for this warning.  We completely changed our plans for a trip into city with 10 & 9 yr old boys.  Would have walked right into it... Thank you so much.  

Thank you, Bob. for this. I had no idea that Steve Crowe was still pushing this. I was thinking of taking my grandchildren in to the city today. I would have been appalled for them to have seen that parade.
Have a great weekend!
Kind regards

Bob McCoskrie
National Director

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