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GWP Africa engages with food security 

2015 is a milestone with the new UN Sustainable Development Goals and the upcoming COP 21 on Climate Change in Paris in December. GWP partners in Sub Saharan Africa are joining forces to contribute to sustainable development in the face of climate change. Read more >>

More news from Africa:

October 2015

Water investment to the "last KM" in China

GWP China conducted an on-site survey under the framework of the Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP), to collect data on the implementation of national and provincial investments in water projects, particularly on small irrigation areas. Read more >>


Water management on 2030 agenda

GWP welcomes the aspirational 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by the UN on September 25th. The transformational vision of the agenda is ambitious and will need an unwavering commitment on the part of everyone. GWP will play its part. Read more >>

GWP in the news
Water resources minister inaugurates WACDEP meeting (Ghana News Agency)

Energy and fuel: Gas prices to remain fixed throughout winter (Malta Independent Online)

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Up-coming events
27 October, Water-drop project capitalization seminar, Rome, Italy

17-18 November, Securing sustainable water for all, Karachi, Pakistan

9-11 December, Water Security 2015, Oxford University, UK

More events >>

Vacancies at GWP
Resource mobilisation and partnership manager. Deadline 8 November 2015.

Obituary of former GWP CEE Patron Árpad Göncz (Washington Post)

New resources 
The state of food and agriculture 2015 (FAO)

More resources >>

Join the UNEP-DHI Eco challenge 2016 as a country partner. Deadline 31 October.

More calls >>

GWP activities on video

At their Regional Council meeting on 5 October, GWP Central and Eastern Europe released a new video about its activities, as part of a campaign to welcome new partners. Read more >>

More videos:

Transboundary plan in Albania and Montenegro

A transboundary integrated management plan for the Buna/Bojana Area in Albania and Montenegro was presented on 7 September in Ulcinj, Montenegro. The plan considers impacts on the coastal zone and the river basin from agriculture, tourism, and urbanisation. Read more >>


Urban water modules tested in Mongolia

GWP and key partners organised a training opportunity on Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) in Mongolia at the end of September. A new toolkit with training modules for IUWM were used for the first time, to test their functionality in a real environment. Read more >>

7th WACDEP Technical Coordination Workshop

The Water Resources Commission in collaboration with GWP Ghana hosted the 7th WACDEP Technical Coordination Workshop in Accra, Ghana on 5-7 October. Read more >>

GWP Impact Story - water partnership in Karachi

In the early 2000s it was clear to the citizens and municipality of the megacity of Karachi, Pakistan, that nothing short of stakeholder empowerment would be sufficient to overcome the urban water management problems facing the city. This is the story of how Karachi Water Partnership came about. Read more >>

Global Water Partnership (GWP)
PO Box 24177
SE-104 51 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone: +46 8 1213 86 00

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