Court decisions, regulatory changes, and legislative proposals affecting CEQA have kept coming in 2015. In addition, four years of drought and consideration of post-2020 greenhouse gas targets have influenced CEQA practice. The dynamics in the Legislature also have evolved with greater assertiveness by moderate Democrats.
Please join co-chairs,
Curtis E. Alling of Ascent Environmental and
Al Herson of Sohagi Law Group, along with over 100 other environmental professionals, for CLE International’s 11th Annual CEQA Super Conference in the City by the Bay. Whether you are an attorney, planner, consultant, agency staff, or project applicant, the conference will update you on important 2015 events and provide valuable, practical CEQA information you can put to use immediately. You can earn MCLE or AICP credits.
We’ve moved to a larger venue. Next to Embarcadero Center, the
Bar Association of San Francisco Conference Center, 301 Battery Street, is centrally located and BART accessible (just four blocks from Embarcadero Station).
We are very fortunate that
State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson is our keynote speaker. We look forward to hearing her thoughts about the Legislature’s views of CEQA and other environmental laws.
Presenters include over 20 leading CEQA attorneys, planners, and scientists. The year’s sessions are:
- CEQA case law and legislative update
- NEPA update from case law and CEQ
- Preparation of defensible CEQA findings
- Post-2020 GHG reduction targets and CEQA
- Water supply analysis in the drought era
- Program EIRs – making them work for you
- Ethics for CEQA (MCLE ethics credit)
- Citizen testimony as substantial evidence
- Case law and practice tips about deferred mitigation details
The conference gives you the chance to visit San Francisco adorned for the Holidays. The
conference brochure describes the full two-day schedule and the
CLE conference website provides a registration page. For room reservations, please call CLE’s travel service (Sara La Bounty, Helms Briscoe, 303-346-0958).