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Sweet Dream In A Bag


October 2015

 Providing New Bedding, Caring

and Love to Children in Transition
A volunteer's story from a Sweet Dream Gifting Event: 

So great to see everyone last night and help out with the gift giving!  It was fun to watch the kids pick out their bedding and be so excited to get their stuffed animal out of the bag!  I witnessed so many different emotions especially with the parents.  The Momma that had a 6 month old baby said, "I feel so blessed and loved to have the handmade quilt for her baby and especially the book with her name in it!  She said she was trying to get her life back on track and just appreciated the crib bedding so much." 
One little girl said, we are going to save out bags because we are moving to a more permanent home on Monday!"  
What a meaningful charity you have and I'm so happy to be a small part of it!  Can't wait until the next one!" 



100 More Sweet Dream Bags

One of our Board Members encouraged a Young Professionals group from HDR (an engineering company) to make Sweet Dream their  community outreach project and team building experience during their Young Professional Summit here in Denver.  There were young people from several states. The group raised over $6000 to purchase new bedding and assembled 100 Sweet Dream Bags...A Big THANK YOU to HDR and Young Professionals Summit Participants!!
This is the article that was published in the HDR FUSE magazine  about the event:


 Simple Mission – Immeasurable Impact

Last weekend, seventy-five of HDR’s Young Professionals attended the 2015 North Central YPG Summit hosted by the Denver Office. Weekend activities varied from career development workshops to networking events with fellow North Central YPs; however, one of the most rewarding activities throughout the course of the Summit revolved around the non-profit organization known as Sweet Dream in a Bag.
HDR Denver’s Wayne Fox (Sweet Dream in a Bag co-founder) received a 2014 Crystal Pathfinder Award for his work with Sweet Dream, making the Denver YPG hard pressed to find another organization more deserving of our 2015 North Central Summit volunteer efforts. While the mission of Sweet Dream in a Bag is simple, “to provide bedding to children who are in transitional housing”, the demand for volunteers to repackage the bedding to take on the appearance of a present is higher then ever before. Not only did 75 of HDR’s Young Professional’s donate their time to repackage the bags of bedding but they also raised all of the funds necessary to construct 100 bags. Each bag contained brand new bedding including a comforter, sheet set, a pillow and a fleece blanket, along with a small stuffed animal and their very own toothbrush and toothpaste. 
It all started with Wayne and Susie Fox wanting to provide bedding to about 30 children as a single gesture of kindness.  However, they could not stop there and ultimately made it their mission to reach as many children as possible forming Sweet Dream in a Bag, which has since provided bedding to over 4,400 children in need from when the non-profit was formed in March 2010.  Sweet Dream in a Bag not only gathers the materials and assembles the bags, but they also personally deliver the bags to these children with the help of volunteers, spending time with each child individually letting them know they are truly special.
Being able to give back to the community while surrounded by so many fellow HDR Young Professionals provided this year’s YPG Summit attendees with a certain level of satisfaction, but knowing our one hour of volunteer work provided 100 children with a gift that the majority of us take for granted on a daily basis is truly indescribable.

Thank You Wells Fargo and all Our Donors

 It was such a surprise and blessing when Wells Fargo said that they would partner with our donors and match up to $7,000.  Because of many caring people we were able to accomplish this goal and were awarded the check at the Grand Opening of the Union Station Wells Fargo location at the end of was a grand event and Sweet Dream was one of three non-profits to be honored.  We can now serve 280 more children because of this Grant Challenge!!



Oct. 17, Saturday Morning, starting 9 am
"Packing Event”
Bethany E-Free Church, 6240 S. Broadway,
Littleton, CO  80121
Starts: 9 am – 12:30 pm
A light lunch is served about 11:15 –plan to stay! (Everyone Welcome!!!)

Oct. 21, Wednesday, starting at 6:30 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Partners in Housing/Colorado House
21 S. Wahsath, Colo. Springs, CO 80903
(Volunteers needed in Colo. Springs)

Oct. 24, Saturday, starting at 11:30 am
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
VOA Bill Daniels Veteran Service Center 1247 Santa Fe Dr, Denver, CO 80204
(Volunteers needed)
Oct. 27,Tuesday, starting at 11:30 am
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Jefferson County Head Start School
5150 Allison St, Arvada, CO 80002
(Volunteers needed)

Nov. 7, Saturday, starting at 1 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Gabriel House/Aurora
Next to Queen of Peace Parish
13101 E. Mississippi, Bldg. C1020, Aurora, CO  80012
(Volunteers needed)

Nov.  21, Saturday Morning, starting 9 am
"Packing Event”
Bethany E-Free Church, 6240 S. Broadway,
Littleton, CO  80121
Starts: 9 am – 12:30 pm
A light lunch is served about 11:15 –plan to stay! (Everyone Welcome!!!)

 Jan. 16,2016, Saturday Morning, start 9 am
"Packing Event”
Bethany E-Free Church, 6240 S. Broadway,
Littleton, CO  80121
Starts: 9 am – 12:30 pm
A light lunch is served about 11:15 –plan to stay! (Everyone Welcome!!!)

Jan. 26, 2016,Tuesday, starting at 11:30 am
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Jefferson County Head Start School
5150 Allison St, Arvada, CO 80002
(Volunteers needed)

April 26, 2016,Tuesday, starting at 11:30 am
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Jefferson County Head Start School
5150 Allison St, Arvada, CO 80002
(Volunteers needed)

Reminder:  There will be Treasure Time Gifting Events added as agencies set dates, check our website and look at CALENDAR!
Please--- if you can help with any Event call Susie 303-507-2098 or email: Susie@sweetdreaminabag
 "Now I have my very own bed!"


Access Housing/Commerce City

Alternatives to Violence/Loveland
Angel House/Loveland
Castle Rock Women's Crisis Center/Castle Rock
Coalition for the Homeless /Ren. at Lowery
Coalition for the Homeless/ West End Flats
Coalition for the Homeless/Renaissance 88
Coalition for the Homeless/Ren. Blue Spruce
Coalition for the Homeless/ Stout Street Flats
Colo. House/Partners in Housing-Colo Springs
Crossroads Safehouse/Trans. Housing-Ft.Collins
Decatur Place Transitional Housing
Denver Rescue Mission Star Tran. Housing
Extended Hands of Hope/Avanti House
Family Tree Housing & Family Services
Family Tree Crisis Center
Father Ed Judy's House
Fostering Hope Foundation/Colo. Springs
Gabriel House/Aurora
Gateway Women's Shelter
Greeley Transitional Housing
Hope Communities/California Street
Hope Communities/Hidden Brook
Hope Communities/Thrill
Humbolt Archdiocesan Housing I
I Am Academy
Jefferson Co. Attorney/  Family Violence
Jefferson County Head Start
LaPuente House/Alamosa, CO
Mercy /Springfield Ct. Apt./Ft. Collins
Mercy/Holly Park Apartments
Mt. Loretto Family Housing
Open Door Ministries
Pasada Family Shelter/Pueblo
Pasada Rio Sacramento/Pueblo
Salvation Army Lambeth Center
STRIDE Transitional Housing
VOA Brandon House
VOA- ECEC Head Start
VOA DAV Families
VOA Family Housing Program
VOA Rainbow Head Start
VOA Young Mothers
Warren Village
Warren Village First Step

As you look at this list you will realize just how much these children need your help and caring to make their lives a little more cozy and give them something to call their own!

  • Twin Sheet Sets

  • Baby Quilts

Together we can
make a Difference!
Schedule You Next Event
Directors and Case Workers schedule your next Sweet Dream Event --- Fall will be here before we know it.  Email: and secure a date!
Sponsoring a Packing Party
Does you work, church or club want to sponsor a Packing Party and get everyone involved? Susie would love to share how to do that and can come share about Sweet Dream with the group so everyone understands and is excited about this great opportunity!  Susie:303-507-2098
Copyright ©October_2015Sweet Dream In A Bag, All rights reserved.     

Our mailing address is:  9249 S. Broadway, Unit 200, Suite 198, Littleton, CO  80129

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