Brimbank CC update on Amendment C177 to the planning scheme
Next BCRG Wed November, 11th
EPA Inquiry Public Consultation Oct 21, Sunshine
Containerspace Site Tour Nov 11


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Hi everyone

1)  Amendment C177 planning controls_Brimbank CC update

The following has been provided by Susan Fitton, Strategic Sites Officer, Brimbank CC

The Panel hearing regarding the proposed amendments was held on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th of October. The timeline is likely to be:
·         The Planning Panel has 6 weeks to provide a report to Council (Dec 2015). 
·         Council officers have 28 days to consider the Planning Panel report before its publicly released.
·         Council officers prepare a report to Council, considering the recommendations of the planning panel report (possibly a Council meeting in February 2016).
·         Depending on the outcome of the Planning Panel report and the Council meeting – the next step may involve the Minister to consider the amendment and ultimately make a decision.

If you have any further queries about the amendment please don’t hesitate to contact Catherine Hunichen on 9249 4455.

2)  Next BCRG Community Forum

The next BCRG Community Forum will be held Wednesday, November 11th, 2015 at the Brooklyn Community Hall, Cypress Ave, Brooklyn, 6 - 6.30pm.

RSVP Please to: Email: or phone: 0427 338 482
3)  Have Your Say On The Future of the EPA, October 21 in Sunshine

The Inquiry into the EPA is seeking your views on issues related to the EPA and ways government can respond to future challenges facing you.
A major independent inquiry has been commissioned by the Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water to look at the future role of the Environment Protection Authority (EPA), Victoria’s environmental regulator.

The Ministerial Advisory Committee for the Inquiry will be holding a public consultation session in Sunshine on Wednesday 21 October, at Victoria University, Sunshine Convention Centre, Gate 1, 460 Ballarat Road, from 5.30-7.30pm.


Local residents are encouraged to attend to raise matters of concern and share future ideas. Key themes to be discussed include land use planning, public health, emergency management, climate change, better regulatory approaches, and ways the EPA can effectively consult with the community.
Register your attendance by visiting or by phoning (03) 9948 2882.
Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Committee, Ms Penny Armytage said this is a once-in-a-generation chance for the public to have a significant influence on the way the EPA operates into the future.
“We are seeking direct feedback from the Victorian community to better understand individual, business needs to meet Victoria’s future challenges,” Ms Armytage said.

Public consultation meetings are being held in 17 locations across the State including Wodonga, Shepparton, Werribee, Warrnambool, Coburg, Bairnsdale, Traralgon, Richmond, Horsham, Ballarat, Bendigo, Frankston, Geelong, Sunshine, Dandenong, Ringwood and Mildura.
The Inquiry will report to the Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water by 31 March 2016.

Connect with the Inquiry:
Twitter: @EPA_Inquiry | Email: |
4) Invitation to Containerspace Site Visit.  

Following my presentation at the last BCRG meeting, I would like to extend an open invitation to come and visit our site prior to the BCRG forum in the evening.

DATE:       Wednesday 11 November, 2015
TIME:        Arrive any time after 5.15pm (Please park in the car park at front of office)
PLACE:     Containerspace Office, 465-467 Somerville Rd, Brooklyn, 3012
PHONE:    9314 5589
This is a great opportunity for us to show you some of the improvements we’ve made to our business and give you an opportunity to ask any questions.   

I look forward to seeing you on the day.
Best Regards,


Download July draft meeting notes
Download July meeting Snapshot
Download Rolling Action list
5)  July 22, 2015 BCRG community meeting notes_draft

The complete draft meeting notes from the July 2015 BCRG forum are now available from the BrooklynIP website. Click here to download.
The notes include updates on the works for sealing Jones Rd and Bunting Rd, the Containerspace story and the EPA dust, odour and noise update.

6) July Snapshot
The July meeting Snapshot is out Now!

This is a great way to spread the word about what's happening in Brooklyn.
Feel free to post it on your websites and share it through your networks!

Click here to download the Snapshot.

7) Rolling Action list
The updated BCRG rolling list of actions that have been identified during the community forums is now available on the Brooklynip website. Click here.
8) BCRG Advertising and ongoing publicity and posters
We have produced a promotional poster for BCRG and put a few up in community centres in Yarraville and south of the freeway but it would be great to get them posted in more places. If you would like to put a poster up the document is available on the Brooklynip website.
  • Other ways you can help is to use this text and the links to the website and Facebook in your promotional material/social media.
Are you concerned about dust, noise and odour issues in the Brooklyn area?
The Brooklyn Community Representative Group Community Forum (BCRG) is an opportunity for members of the community, industry, local and state government to discuss issues about the air quality of the general Brooklyn area. It also enables the communication of plans and progress by individual industries, local government and EPA
The next Brooklyn Community Representative Group Community Forum is
Wednesday 12 November 2015, 6.00 for 6:30 – 8:30pm
Brooklyn Community Hall, Cypress Avenue Brooklyn.
All welcome
RSVP Please to: Email: or phone: 0427 338 482


BCRG is on Facebook
and we'd love you ‘like’ it!

Help us reach a new audience.
Andrea and Jen are the administrators of the site – anyone wishing to contribute should message via Facebook or send an email to

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Andrea Mason

Executive Officer
Brooklyn Community Representative Group
Ph: 0427 338 482
PO Box 8001, Rippleside, Vic, 3215

PS BCRG Community Forum final meeting date for 2015 is Wednesday November 11.

You received this email because you are on the BCRG e-list. As such you receive meeting invitations, agendas and minutes, as well as general information in relation to dust, odour and noise issues in the Brooklyn area. Please unsubscribe from this list if you no longer wish to be on the database.
The contents of this update and any attachments are forwarded for information purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the views of BCRG, including the Convenor, Executive Officer or its membership. BCRG is not aligned with (or influenced by) any political entity or any one organisation. It exists for the purpose of facilitating community, industry, local government and EPA to work together to ensure that public concerns and aspirations regarding odour, noise and dust in the general Brooklyn area are consistently understood and considered. That being said, real engagement necessitates dissemination of a range of ideas, opinions and views in order to enable informed participation from a broad base.

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