Strata News & Information
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Competition Time!
Exciting news and another first this week! Who likes a competition? Thanks to Stephen Raff and the upcoming release of his new book, Strata Living Stories, we have three copies of the book to give away to our newsletter subscribers. See details of how to enter below.
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How to deal with noise complaints when living in a Strata Community
Stephen Raff, Ace Body Corporate Management
We take a look at noise complaints in strata buildings and explain some of the options available to unit / apartment owner occupiers and tenants in a strata community.
NSW: A case note on busy bodies, owners corporations and the proper plaintiff rule
Carlo Fini,
Nexus Lawyers
The proper plaintiff rule is based on people minding their own business and not getting involved in other people’s affairs. No-one likes a busy body, not even the NSW Supreme Court.
VIC: Owners Corporation Reinstatement and Replacement Insurance – What Should it Cover?
Nicole Wilde,
Tisher Liner FC Law
The Owners Corporation Act 2006 (VIC) provides that an Owners Corporation must take out reinstatement and replacement insurance for all buildings on the common property.
QLD Q&A: Why are Developers allowed to sell 25 year caretaking contracts?
LookUpStrata & Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
Why are Queensland Developers the only developers in any state in the world allowed to sell 25 year management rights QLD contracts that must be paid for by new unit owners for the duration of the contract?
NSW Q&A: Strata Dysfunction in a Self Managed Two Lot Scheme
LookUpStrata &
Premium Strata
Strata Dysfunction issues can occur just as easily in small two lot schemes as in larger developments, as shown by this lot owner battling it out in NSW.
NSW FACT SHEET: Want to do work to your lot? You may need a by-law
Allison Benson,
Kerin Benson Lawyers
In most cases, your strata manager or owners corporation will be able to tell you whether or not you need to get a by-law but the general rule is if you are altering the common property in any way you will need to get a by-law passed before doing the work.
NSW: I Don't Like What Is Proposed To Be Built Next Door - What Can I Do?
David Bannerman and Craig Blackwell,
Bannermans Lawyers
Owners Corporations and residents have rights which may assist in stopping, modifying or having mitigating conditions imposed on a new development.
5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Mood Boards for Your Decorative Projects
Bettina Deda,
Downsize With Style
Mood boards are such great tools to work with when planning interior decorating projects for you apartment.
If you are crazy enough to do your own Strata Records Inspection Report here are some tips
Paul Mulligan, Find Our Home
If you are crazy enough to do your own Strata Records Inspection Report, here are some tips on what you need to look for when searching the strata records.
QLD: Appointing an Administrator to a Body Corporate
Hynes Legal
When a Body Corporate fails to carry out its obligations pursuant to an Adjudicator’s Order, the Act gives both Adjudicators and Magistrates the power to appoint an Administrator to the Body Corporate.
Q&A: When it Comes to our Strata Insurance, do we Need Legal Protection Insurance in Australia?
LookUpStrata & Melanie Fama, Whitbread Insurance Brokers
Can a body corporate use the provided Legal protection in their policy to challenge their Insurance’s point of view in Court?
In the new book, Strata Living Stories, Stephen Raff has compiled a collection of unique stories that have been sent in by people involved in the strata sector and showcases some of the weirdest, wackiest and downright hilarious stories that the industry has witnessed.
To celebrate the release of the book on 1 November, we have three copies to give away!
To ENTER: Submit a short recount of a funny strata story you have been involved in or heard about. The best of the stories will appear in an upcoming LookUpStrata blog article and the top 3 will be posted out a copy of Strata Living Stories, thanks to Stephen Raff.
Send your recount to before 6 Nov 2015. Winners will be announced in the 11 Nov Newsletter! We look forward to receiving stories from both people living in and working in strata - so get writing. Word count - up to you, however to be eligible for the prize, contributions must be from a LookUpStrata Newsletter Subscriber.
Subscribe NOW so that you may to enter and then get writing.
Linda Cheng, ArchitectureAU
The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) has revoked a planning permit granted to The Nightingale, an architect-led apartment development in Brunswick, Melbourne. The decision, made by VCAT senior member Russell Byard, was based on the lack of car parking provision in the proposed development.
Martin King, ACA - 27 Oct
The latest in our ongoing investigation into residential apartments in Melbourne built with highly flammable imported cladding.
Chloe Olewitz, TechInsider
A Michigan State University research team has finally created a truly transparent solar panel — a breakthrough that could soon usher in a world where windows, panes of glass, and even entire buildings could be used to generate solar energy.