The Findhorn Community embodies much of what we envision for a new story, yet the call for healing that this vase is carrying is a collective wound felt all over the world in various ways – and with the second generation of ETVs now being woven into the global ETV mandala a common thread is emerging.
A very ancient story is coming to light as the world beholds the 50,000-year-old rock art at the sacred site, Gabarnmang, in Northern Australia’s Arnhem Land where the first of the second generation of Earth Treasure Vases was planted in June. This site brings forth a timeless awareness of the Aboriginal dreamtime into the songlines of the ETV Mandala and reconnects us to the ancestors and the wisdom of those who lived harmoniously in intimate connection to the Earth for miillennia – and whose stories are more relevant today than ever before.
The thread continues with the second ETV to be brought into the global mandala this year which was activated in Canada during the Truth and Reconciliation Hearings as the suffering of Indigenous First Nations Peoples was brought to public awareness – the residential schools and systematic genocide of Native Canadians mirroring what occurred in Aboriginal Australia and the US, and in other ways all around the world.
Now, the third of the next generation ETVs is being planted in Scotland. This vase, dedicated during the
New Story Summit held at the Findhorn Community one year ago, is also carrying a strongly connected prayer – that the torturous persecution and murder of
healers labeled as “witches” that occurred long ago and the blood spilled on the land near Findhorn may be sanctified, and this collective wound, which still festers, may be fully healed for a new story to take root.
For this to be so, may we listen now to the ancestors speaking though the rocks and rivers and hills in the lands we inhabit and empower our friends at Findhorn to plant this next vase in the original garden where the Spirits of that land came alive in a magical response to an invitation made many years ago when Findhorn was first established. And may this heartfelt offering help to restore harmonious relations with Mother Gaia and the revitalization of our communities everywhere.