"A journey of 1000 miles begins with 1 step" -Lao Tza
Our journey is a little longer than 1000 miles. San Diego to Ukarumpa, Papua New Guinea (PNG) is about 6,854 miles, but you get the point - we've taken our first few steps. We officially became members of Wycliffe Bible Translators on the August 1st this year. Daniel will serve with JAARS (the transportation and logistics side of Wycliffe) as an aircraft technician in Ukarumpa, PNG. Many of you know we have been working toward this goal for a long time and are excited to have God say it is finally time!
With the first few steps taken, the next leg of the journey is all about building a team of ministry partners. The word partner implies there is a mutual benefit, and there is! Everyone who partners with our Wycliffe ministry is an equal part of bringing the Bible to those who have no access to God's Word. You will be on the front lines and there will be days where your prayers, notes of encouragement or your emails will be what gets us through the day.
How can you partner? Ask God what He wants you to do. Maybe your partnership will look like watching our kids so we can get some packing done, hosting a small group where we can share about our Wycliffe ministry, committing to pray for our family and the Bibleless on a regulars basis, or by giving financially. Clicking the blue button below takes you to our ministry page where you can commit to pray for us, sign up for our newsletter, send us note or to give online in preference for our Wycliffe ministry.
If you sign up to pray for us, know that we will add you to our prayer calendar and we will be praying for you. We are thankful for your love and support that got us this far. For those of you who are just joining us on this journey we are excited to go to the front lines of missions with you as partners. We would love to hear from you and let you know about our timeline for leaving, answer any questions and hear what's going on in your life!